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Re: mappacks / jigle (not updated?)
okay i understand it works by query; however no matter how many times i reload the map, i never have the data i expect. my city is filled with data on the webmaps, but nothing in jigle. BUT ALAS, i have found something SUPER: WiGLE to GoogleEarth (kml) ... it seems king!(at first trial run): http ...
Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:17 pm
Forum: WiGLE Project Suggestions
Topic: data points aging
Replies: 1
Views: 6980
data points aging
Should data points age? it is possible that some found wireless AP's no longer exist, but still be available on WiGLE. I propose that an aging process occur, where a located AP (data point) may age over time (every 3 months?). As a wardriver re-locates an AP the AP's health is renewed, thus ...
mappacks / jigle (not updated?)
if i use Jigle and MapPacks, i have no recent data. Why are the map packs not updated?
I believe a better solution would be to have jigle query the database and plot points on a map rather than download a map that has data image-processed on top of it.
I believe a better solution would be to have jigle query the database and plot points on a map rather than download a map that has data image-processed on top of it.