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Bad data in the map
I have noticed bad data plotted on the maps near my home base: Near perfect straight line of APs traveling N-NE. Another near perfect straight line near Eagle View and Morrell https ...
Anyone else having problems with webmaps and Chrome?
Sometimes the "Browsable map o' the world" comes up blank. Controls on the right are there, just no map. Chrome (24.0.1312.70 Linux / 24.0.1312.57 m Winders) developer console gives this error: [blocked] The page at ran insecure content from http://maps ...
Re: How do the webmaps decide which lat/lon pair to use?
I looked at the map again this morning and the wifi locations have updated to new, more accurate locations - including 00:23:69:B3:9F:D9.
Perhaps there is a once a week update schedule?
Perhaps there is a once a week update schedule?
How do the webmaps decide which lat/lon pair to use?
I have four samples on a particular BSSID: 00:23:69:B3:9F:D9 When I query for it on the webmaps, it shows up in this location ( which happens to be the observation with weight 133, and not the trilat/trilon values. The trilat/trilon are closer to the real location. Why do the ...