Search found 43 matches
Re: Rasberry Pi
im running a headless rpi-setup: .......................//cut//.................... full guide on how its made: Wow ! Really cool, compliments ! If you don't mind...:-) is a list of questions for you... thanks ...
Tue Jul 16, 2019 7:54 am
Forum: WiGLE Project Suggestions
Topic: Bluetooth leaderboard !
Replies: 2
Views: 26921
Re: Bluetooth leaderboard !
you can sort the existing leaderboard by clicking on the headers to achieve that; "Bluetooth Seen" and "Discovered Bluetooth with GPS" will re-organize the table accordingly. Cheers, -ark Sure I can but I want a leaderboard number, where the goal is to be #1 :-) ... like the SSID board.
Re: Rasberry Pi
Different versions of my raspi: 2013: 2014: 2015: Was just that beta (attachent warpi_beta3.jpg) which I didn't really use: warpi_beta3.jpg and now I'm currently using 2016: wifipi ...
Mon Jul 15, 2019 12:05 pm
Forum: WiGLE Project Suggestions
Topic: Bluetooth leaderboard !
Replies: 2
Views: 26921
Bluetooth leaderboard !
:!: Only with GPS locations I'd suggest, but I'd like to see this new chart. Some of the users may travel a lot and see many SSIDs...some more people maybe in very crowded places moving much more BT devices...let's have two separate leaderboards. Please ! :mrgreen: Available at all times ...
Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:55 am
Replies: 7
Views: 35353
Re: Two mobiles for data collection is ok ?
I have seen also that my phone does not have a great battery so not always I may keep it scanning. To continue to do so I would use a second phone. Which also means that in some cases I might have them overlap for a while, i.e. both scanning. Question: in case I upload files what come from same ...
Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:29 am
Forum: Stumbler Meet and Greet
Topic: Italy nobody ?
Replies: 2
Views: 51232
Re: Italy nobody ?
Immagino. Peccato che a parte te nessuno usa il forum.ce ne stanno si
Io uso un misero Galaxy A3 2017 come attrezzatura quando giro. Tu che hai di bello ? Cell o hw serio ?
Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:25 am
Replies: 7
Views: 35353
Re: Two mobiles for data collection is ok ?
some phones just stumble better! especially in the case of the Android Pie release, which will always be bad at scanning by design. I'd recommend building a warPi and stuffing it into the trunk or a body panel, so they never have to see it. Thanks. I have a company car, sometimes being repaired ...
Re: Here is my WPA3 AP. What about Wigle ? you mean that Wigle is showing us what the Android WiFi driver is telling him ? Which also means Wigle is WPA3 "ready" ?it all depends on when Android started reporting it as WPA3!
Here is my WPA3 AP. What about Wigle ?
Just updated my Instant AP 305 of Arubanetworks (now HPE) with code 8.5. WPA3-PSK is active. When will I see a WPA3 on Wigle app ?
Here screenshot:
Thanks, ciao
Here screenshot:
Thanks, ciao
Re: How to re-import my uploads on my new cell ??
Two options: 1. export the old database from the old phone and put it onto the new phone (gets *everything*) 2. you can get your list of nets, but not the observations as an authenticated using "Database" -> "Import Observed" Thanks. In case the old phone is dead... ? Grazie, ciao
Re: Protective Backpacks For Laptops
Hi, you got one ? I bought one for my daughter, just made a search. Tough it just is made of material you can't cut easily and open while on the move. Nothing with GPS. Just powerbank container and usb cable exiting.
How to re-import my uploads on my new cell ??
Hello. I used Wigle for some time. Then I had a break....then I bought a new cell....then I restarted Wigle...with an empty DB, using always same account though.
How can I reimport all my uploaded data into my new cell ? Is it possible ?
Thanks, ciao
How can I reimport all my uploaded data into my new cell ? Is it possible ?
Thanks, ciao
Bluetooth statistics ... charts ? leaderboard :-) ?
Hello all. I am gathering and having fun watching at a lot of BT names and weird things around....funny....ok....BUT....can we have a chart or leaderboard style sheet with the numbers ? Not official as the WiFi. Just to see some numbers. Without names, it's ok, we respect privacy. Is it possible ...
Re: WPA3 new hw or sw ?
Seems not. On my Samsung Galaxy A3 2017 I'm checking with a WPA3 just upgraded access point but I still see WPA2-PSK on all apps I try, including Wigle :-( Beacon is here: Printed with latest "Liveaction Omnipeek" trial version. Thanks for any info, ciao ! Alex
Re: I continue to see my car does sw work ?
Thanks.add it to your display or logging filter list to exclude it!