Search found 4 matches
Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:47 am
Replies: 8
Views: 67243
Re: Need advice on building a full spectrum wifi wardriving rig
Does Vistumbler allow for this? Why can't I just plug in two USB Wifi adapters and let Vistumbler do the rest?
Re: Hak5 WiFi Coconut
Yah I'm super curious on this also.
How can I get Vistumbler to get more APs with Hak5 technology? Is it just as easy as plug it in and drive away?
How can I get Vistumbler to get more APs with Hak5 technology? Is it just as easy as plug it in and drive away?
Re: Creating a driving rig
worth noting that recent Kismet has a proper WiGLE export tool, as well! (dragorn rocks)
What's better Vistumbler or Kismet for Wigle reporting?
Re: wow...everybody buying online ?
so....a year and a half and no messages...meaning everybody is fine with mobiles or same setup as years back ? or.... buying everything online ? ATM I use a mobile while driving or walking in towns, nothing special, but at least I can do it all the time. Ciao I just have a i7 laptop in the car with ...