And just saw a 15.98 second scan time. I'll spare posting the photos this time.
I'm signed into the IRC under the same username, and will keep an eye on it all day. If you have any ideas and want to try debugging faster, feel free to reach out.
The phone is running Android 7.1.2. The kernel version is 4.4.63. I have an old tablet I can spin up, it may take a while to get it up to speed. I've set the scanner app to not be power throttled. This is my first real adventure into the world of Android, I've been an iPhone user for 6 or 7 years ...
I did some testing while walking to the mailbox here at home today. Contrary to my previous statement, network density does not seem to matter. It took me a little while to get the hang of the screenshots, but once I did, I was able to reproduce the slow scans very regularly. Please see attached ...
Interesting. I only got the phone a week ago, so I don't have a lot of data to go on, but I did notice a massive drop in scan time after the upgrade. To be more specific, the slowdown only seems to happen in areas of very dense networks (like downtown <CITY WHERE I WORK>) and when I am on foot (like ...
Power took me a while to figure out. I have a 12v lead from the battery in my car come into my setup and then a buck converter steps it down to 5.25v. I use this hub: I have two usb ports coming off of the buck ...
I have a similar setup, but only 3 wireless cards fixed on 1, 6, and 11. Can you post some updated numbers on what channels you are seeing the most networks on?
Based on wigle's stats tab, 1, 6 and 11 cover something like 75% of 2.4ghz networks. I'd like to see how your data compares.