Search found 9 matches
Wigle app for Apple IOS in Cydia
Bobzilla, Have you folks thought about making an app for iOS 5 available through cydia? Is it too much work to develop one or just not worth it to you guys? I remember when apple banned all wifi scanning apps from the app store :evil: . Just gave me another reason to not like those guys. Needless to ...
bobzilla my apologies I checked the filter options in jigle and none of them are checked. I deleted the autocache file in the wiglenet/data folder. Are those the cache files you speak of? Also when you say to redownload the area in question do you mean redownload the raster mappack for the area? I ...
Why doesnt Jigle show points that wigle does??
I was wondering why Jigle won't show points that Wigle does? When I compare the maps from Wigle and Jigle together the Wigle map seems to be more updated then the Jigle map. How do I get updated points into Jigle. Thanks for your time
I was wondering why Jigle won't show points that Wigle does? When I compare the maps from Wigle and Jigle together the Wigle map seems to be more updated then the Jigle map. How do I get updated points into Jigle. Thanks for your time
Can you change your wigle Group Stats name??
Not sure if this is the correct forum to ask this in. But i was curious to know if it is possible for a user to change there group stats name? There is a button there that says change name but it just puts the name back to its original. Not a big deal just wondering.
What is wigle used for? Can I use it as a software for mapping GPS points? If not what would be a good software to use. If so how is it?
I want to plot the points live. Is that possible?
Thanks for your help
I want to plot the points live. Is that possible?
Thanks for your help