Search found 15 matches
My old rig It's a 400Mhz Celeron with 128mb RAM and a 6.8gig HD/DVD ROM, 1024x768 TFT [$230CAD] WiFi Card is a Linksys WPC11 V3, no mods so far found 7,639 new networks. [$25CAD] Was using WinXP and Netstumbler, but recently put MEPIS Linux (Debian ...
Okay, so we know how to avoid the problem, but since the results are aggregate, then why would the order of upload (and processing) make such a difference? Does it favor the latest set of data, even if the data is basically invalid, like all channel 0? Perhaps something can be done about that, or if ...
Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:16 am
Forum: WiGLE Project Suggestions
Topic: DiGLE Changes
Replies: 11
Views: 33629
New APs scanned with kismet appear as all WEP off?
I just got kismet and linux on my laptop and scanned a couple areas over the last couple days, but it seems that they all appear as WEP off networks in JiGLE even though I know a large percent of them have encryption turned on. Is this a bug/thing due to the multiple log files kismet uses, or some ...
Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:31 am
Replies: 38
Views: 125846
802.11b adaptors will detect 802.11g networks, they just can't communicate with them at the higher rates like a g adaptor would. They share the same frequencies (channels) and are backwards compatible so your old gear doesn't become instantly useless. 802.11a networks use another frequency spectrum ...
So, just to clarify (since I just put Linux on my laptop) now that I'm using Kismet I'll be uploading 3 files each time I go for a stumble? First the CSV then XML and GPS in that order? So far (other than forgetting to turn on the GPS option in the kismet config file and re-doing a whole section of ...
Sun May 01, 2005 12:27 pm
Forum: WiGLE Project Suggestions
Topic: DiGLE Changes
Replies: 11
Views: 33629
Exposure to microwaves can lead to cancer. Unfortunately for us the effects are cumulative, so all the exposure we encounter adds up over our lifetime to produce various biological effects. One thing they discovered recently is that the body will send out these special heat-damage proteins to an ...
Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:47 am
Forum: General Grabbag
Topic: maps for BC/Vancouver Ca.
Replies: 2
Views: 13463
I am working on some for the Greater Vancouver Regional District, basic maps that are from the government via and as long as you are Canadian I think you are free to use them, eh? It's also possible to make mappacks with the satellite images, but they end up being ...
Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:59 am
Forum: WiGLE Project Suggestions
Topic: Creating my own MapPack
Replies: 4
Views: 16747
What I've found is and it allows you to upload the netstumbler file and it can plot it on top of various base maps. You can also just choose base maps based on coordinants, so I would assume this is the kind of thing I should be using to create a new pack. edit: yay ...
Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:24 am
Forum: WiGLE Project Suggestions
Topic: Creating my own MapPack
Replies: 4
Views: 16747
I'm quite new to this stuff, and perhaps I'm missing the point of all this, but I've been using Network Stumbler and I uploaded the file I've been saving when I scan for networks... Now I'd assume this is for integration with the other global data that's been collected, and that this data would be ...