Thanks for that info and the link. I knew it had to be something like
that since they were all similar names.
I do live in the SBC area and I'm sure there are quite a few people
who jumped on their promotional bandwagon.
Search found 2 matches
Fri Jul 15, 2005 5:31 pm
Forum: General Grabbag
Topic: What kind of AP is this?
Replies: 4
Views: 17313
Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:04 pm
Forum: General Grabbag
Topic: What kind of AP is this?
Replies: 4
Views: 17313
What kind of AP is this?
I did a query on my own address to see what other APs were in my vicinity and the results came back with several entries with the following names: 2WIREXXX where the XXX part is a 3 digit number. These were scattered all over - not lumped together as one might expect in a building. Who or what would ...