How to re-import my uploads on my new cell ??

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Hello. I used Wigle for some time. Then I had a break....then I bought a new cell....then I restarted Wigle...with an empty DB, using always same account though.
How can I reimport all my uploaded data into my new cell ? Is it possible ?
Thanks, ciao
Two options:
1. export the old database from the old phone and put it onto the new phone (gets *everything*)
2. you can get your list of nets, but not the observations as an authenticated using "Database" -> "Import Observed"
Two options:
1. export the old database from the old phone and put it onto the new phone (gets *everything*)
2. you can get your list of nets, but not the observations as an authenticated using "Database" -> "Import Observed"
In case the old phone is dead... ?
Grazie, ciao

Is there any way to move the wiglewifi.sqlite database from my old smartphone with Android 8 to my new smartphone with Android 12? The database is over 10 years old and over 600 megabytes in size....

The wiglewifi folder is completely ignored, can I then only import the "Watched Networks" in the app?

Thanks for your tips and help.

Unfortunately, it's not easy. Google has been steadily locking down permissions to access app-storage outside of apps (including taking away "external" storage for non-approved data types, anything other than documents and images) in more recent Android.

There's an open "Issue" for it on github ... issues/450, but how we'd do it is ill-defined, since the databases get large (too large even for most folks' Google drive allocation), and we'd need to reconcile incoming data with existing data. Depending on whether you upload the data to the site, you CAN import from the uploads activity, but there's nothing "batch" about this - you'd have to import upload by upload (and you wouldn't get every observation).

From a scanning note: it's almost better NOT to import the old database; more effective to keep it on your laptop/desktop/server and access it there. As the database gets bigger, Android has more and more trouble accessing if efficiently; this results in degraded app performance as well as slower/less-reliable scanning and logging.


-Ark and the WiGLE team
Hi Ark,

thank you very much for your quick and detailed answer. I had already thought something like that, that the files can no longer be moved from device to device simply like that under a current Android version...

The import upload by upload is too much work for me, and as you say, if it's just about scanning new networks, then such a large database is rather a burden in the way. Then I just start again locally on the new smartphone and i will be happy how fast the scanning is again... :D



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