Wigle Wifi for Android: Suggestions

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

201 posts • Page 11 of 14
that sounds like a great feature idea!

I don't have a device myself, but the use case makes a lot of sense.
You can open an issue on github (or submit a PR!) against the WiGLE WiFi Wardriving project to get it faster, but we've added it to our feature log!

Please arrange for networks data to be saved on phone reboot and displayed when wigle opens next time so it can still be uploaded.

Please also put the app version in wigle under settings about. I had to go to application manager to get it.

Thanks for the feedback.

The data *is* saved to the phone on reboot, and will be included in the next transaction. The notion of "Runs" rely on in-memory state in order to keep a coherent portrait of a single execution of the program, but observations and networks are logged to the database as they occur. If you want to know whether you're out of sync, the "DB Marker" section of the "Database" screen in the application will describe the difference between the current database upload pointer and the total number of nets in the database. Anything you've previously detected is accessible to local search, and will manifest itself in the map tiles after upload if you turn them on. If you're worried a discovered network was missed, you can reset your database pointer to zero and upload *everything* again.



Postby on » Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:50 pm

I don't know if this has been asked before but is it possible to add an option to only scan when phone is charging?

The use case is the phone stays in the car, plugged in to a cigarette lighter charger which only charges when the car is running. Having the app automatically shut itself off when the phone is not charging could be the difference between the phone dying (and not being able to scan at all) or not. Thanks!
While this isn't implemented directly in the app, you can do this today using the PAUSE and SCAN broadcast intents using an app like Tasker.

It has hooks for power connected/disconnected events, as well as a number of other cool conditions - just send the intent to pause or scan accordingly!

Postby dnc » Fri Aug 23, 2019 7:33 pm

Maybe an option to export/import Wigle configuration? e.g.:
- Options stored on Settings
- MAC exclusion list

Postby on » Wed Nov 20, 2019 11:12 pm

While this isn't implemented directly in the app, you can do this today using the PAUSE and SCAN broadcast intents using an app like Tasker.

It has hooks for power connected/disconnected events, as well as a number of other cool conditions - just send the intent to pause or scan accordingly!
I tried Easer but it doesn't have support for intents, only opening apps. What values does batteryName support?

https://github.com/wiglenet/wigle-wifi- ... .java#L512

https://github.com/wiglenet/wigle-wifi- ... .java#L512

Can we add an obscenely high value like 80% or if not, the next highest value possible? If Wigle paused scanning automatically at 80% or lower and resumed at 80%+, I'd feel better about running it all the time (I put a phone in the car connected to the cigarette lighter charger so it only draws power when driving).
Please add Ampli-Sync option to the Wigle app. That way we can sync our database with a postgres database and use it with openmaptiles or something like that.
I would greatly benefit from being able to specify targets to actively look for. There are cases, such as locating or tracking a specific device, where i want to get notified when a device bearing a known name or address is in range. Even just a new option in the filter menu would suffice: "Alert when devices matching filter criteria are detected/in range". This function could eventually be used to help locate stolen property, for example.
I suggest that the number of displayable teardrops be doubled, or even quadrupled. I scan many large and complex areas, and it is difficult to do so if the earlier teardrops begin to be erased. If this requires more non-volatile memory than you expect that a phone would have, I'd be happy to buy SD cards for my dedicated-WiFi scanning phones.

Which reminds me: I use two dedicated phones that DON'T have cell phone service installed. I do this because my newest phone has upgraded to Android Pie, which meant that the only obvious tactic available to me was to buy two old phones that were guaranteed to never upgrade to Pie. But, I have no desire to have two more expensive, unnecessary phones which have cell service. What I'd like to do is have these phones download the entire area map from WiFi when I'm at home, because otherwise I don't have cell data to keep the map updated.
For longer runs, users can turn on "Display routes for execution" in the settings panel which will efficiently draw lines on the map showing the entire path of the current run.

Android 9 (Pie) has wifi throttling that can't be turned off. Android 10 and 11 have throttling as well, but there the throttling can be turned off with a developer setting:
https://www.netspotapp.com/help/how-to- ... ndroid-10/

Google doesn't have an option to use offline mode maps for third party apps like ours, unfortunately. That would be a nice feature to have. It will do
some caching, so if you scroll around the map before leaving usable wifi internet you might be able to have the tiles stick around while out and about.
-bobzilla - WiGLE.net just a little bit
It would be useful to see on the dashboard for a run not only the Total count (Cell, Wifi, BT) but how many of each type are logged (New and those existing in the local DB) on the run.

Eg New against Cell, Wifi and BT. Then in brackets after the New figures the respective total seen of each type for the run?

The app does not easily give an indication of what the total of each type are seen on the run as far as I can tell. It would help compare relative performance (against the three types) of devices too where the total is more informative in comparing than New where different pre-existing DBs are on the devices.
For longer runs, users can turn on "Display routes for execution" in the settings panel which will efficiently draw lines on the map showing the entire path of the current run.

Android 9 (Pie) has wifi throttling that can't be turned off. Android 10 and 11 have throttling as well, but there the throttling can be turned off with a developer setting:
https://www.netspotapp.com/help/how-to- ... ndroid-10/

Google doesn't have an option to use offline mode maps for third party apps like ours, unfortunately. That would be a nice feature to have. It will do
some caching, so if you scroll around the map before leaving usable wifi internet you might be able to have the tiles stick around while out and about.
I've begun to use the "Display routes for execution" and it works quite well.

How many such tiles can be stored, and how large are the individual tiles?

I suppose I could find a McDonalds near the area where I want to scan, and load it up...

Also, I want to find the nearest cell tower on the map to a given location, but cell towers seem to be very hard to find.
Would it be possible to have an option to only display 2.4 or 5 GHz wifi signals only?
For example if I only want to view anything on 5 GHz rather than both bands?

Postby kurz » Wed May 12, 2021 12:46 am

You could use OpenStreetMap as well - its license allows for offline reproduction, and multiple offline engines exist for Android already.
For longer runs, users can turn on "Display routes for execution" in the settings panel which will efficiently draw lines on the map showing the entire path of the current run.

Android 9 (Pie) has wifi throttling that can't be turned off. Android 10 and 11 have throttling as well, but there the throttling can be turned off with a developer setting:
https://www.netspotapp.com/help/how-to- ... ndroid-10/

Google doesn't have an option to use offline mode maps for third party apps like ours, unfortunately. That would be a nice feature to have. It will do
some caching, so if you scroll around the map before leaving usable wifi internet you might be able to have the tiles stick around while out and about.
I've begun to use the "Display routes for execution" and it works quite well.

How many such tiles can be stored, and how large are the individual tiles?

I suppose I could find a McDonalds near the area where I want to scan, and load it up...

Also, I want to find the nearest cell tower on the map to a given location, but cell towers seem to be very hard to find.

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