Vistumbler support

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

11 posts • Page 1 of 1

Postby ACalcutt » Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:20 am

Hello Everyone,

I am the maker of the Vistumbler wireless scanner. I have noticed a few threads here about users trying to use vistumbler text NS1 to upload to this project.

Vistumbler text NS1 is not really a good choice to use when exporting from vistumbler, since i do no have a source of SNR values. The SNR values are create based on a percentage value.

For accurate data from vistumbler I recommend two formats
1.)The vistumbler native VS1 format, which keeps all gps and signal data.
Information on the VS1 format can be found here: ... VS1_Format
# Vistumbler VS1 - Detailed Export Version 3.0
# Created By: Vistumbler v10 Beta 1 pre-release
# -------------------------------------------------
# GpsID|Latitude|Longitude|NumOfSatalites|HorizontalDilutionOfPrecision|Altitude(m)|HeightOfGeoidAboveWGS84Ellipsoid(m)|Speed(km/h)|Speed(MPH)|TrackAngle(Deg)|Date(UTC y-m-d)|Time(UTC h:
# -------------------------------------------------
1|N 4221.4642|W 7156.5697|06|1.1|1126.64042166|-33.8|0|0|0|2010-01-25|02:09:54.655
2|N 4221.4638|W 7156.5689|06|1.1|1136.15485737|-33.8|0.28|0.17|93.00|2010-01-25|02:09:56.105
3|N 4221.4639|W 7156.5689|06|1.1|1136.48294136|-33.8|0.37|0.23|30.24|2010-01-25|02:09:57.141
4|N 4221.4636|W 7156.5682|06|1.1|1144.68504111|-33.8|0.33|0.21|91.53|2010-01-25|02:09:58.172
5|N 4221.4634|W 7156.5677|06|1.1|1151.24672091|-33.8|0.28|0.17|85.66|2010-01-25|02:09:59.220
6|N 4221.4637|W 7156.5672|06|1.1|1159.12073667|-33.8|0.28|0.17|85.66|2010-01-25|02:10:00.248
7|N 4221.4638|W 7156.5669|06|1.1|1165.02624849|-33.8|0.39|0.24|63.85|2010-01-25|02:10:01.266
8|N 4221.4639|W 7156.5665|06|1.1|1171.2598443|-33.8|0.28|0.17|81.50|2010-01-25|02:10:02.309
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SSID|BSSID|MANUFACTURER|Authetication|Encryption|Security Type|Radio Type|Channel|Basic Transfer Rates|Other Transfer Rates|Network Type|Label|GID,SIGNAL
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RanInt|00:1C:10:11:AB:87|Cisco-Linksys, LLC|WPA2-Personal|CCMP|3|802.11g|001|1 2 5.5 11|6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54|Infrastructure|Phil's Wireless|1,57-2,57-3,52-4,52-5,57-6,57-7,52
Apartment 508|00:22:75:33:AB:99|Belkin International, Inc.|Open|WEP|2|802.11g|006|1 2 5.5 11|6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54|Infrastructure|Unknown|1,78-2,78-3,78-4,78-5,83-6,83-7,78
linksys|00:22:6B:53:6D:81|Cisco-Linksys, LLC|Open|WEP|2|802.11g|006|1 2 5.5 11|6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54|Infrastructure|Unknown|1,68-2,68-3,68-4,68-5,63-6,63-7,73
gadget|00:23:69:D0:8A:75|Cisco-Linksys, LLC|WPA2-Personal|CCMP|3|802.11g|006|1 2 5.5 11|6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54|Infrastructure|Unknown|1,37-2,37

2.)The new vistumbler detailed csv file, which may be easier to quickly parse. (available starting with Vistumbler v9.81 Beta 1)
"RanInt",00:1C:10:11:AB:87,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",57,WPA2-Personal,CCMP,802.11g,001,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Phil's Wireless",42.3577367,-71.9428283,06,1.1,1126.64042166,-33.8,0,0,0,2010-01-25,02:09:54.655
"RanInt",00:1C:10:11:AB:87,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",57,WPA2-Personal,CCMP,802.11g,001,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Phil's Wireless",42.3577300,-71.9428150,06,1.1,1136.15485737,-33.8,0.28,0.17,93.00,2010-01-25,02:09:56.105
"RanInt",00:1C:10:11:AB:87,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",52,WPA2-Personal,CCMP,802.11g,001,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Phil's Wireless",42.3577317,-71.9428150,06,1.1,1136.48294136,-33.8,0.37,0.23,30.24,2010-01-25,02:09:57.141
"RanInt",00:1C:10:11:AB:87,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",52,WPA2-Personal,CCMP,802.11g,001,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Phil's Wireless",42.3577267,-71.9428033,06,1.1,1144.68504111,-33.8,0.33,0.21,91.53,2010-01-25,02:09:58.172
"RanInt",00:1C:10:11:AB:87,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",57,WPA2-Personal,CCMP,802.11g,001,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Phil's Wireless",42.3577233,-71.9427950,06,1.1,1151.24672091,-33.8,0.28,0.17,85.66,2010-01-25,02:09:59.220
"RanInt",00:1C:10:11:AB:87,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",57,WPA2-Personal,CCMP,802.11g,001,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Phil's Wireless",42.3577283,-71.9427867,06,1.1,1159.12073667,-33.8,0.28,0.17,85.66,2010-01-25,02:10:00.248
"RanInt",00:1C:10:11:AB:87,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",52,WPA2-Personal,CCMP,802.11g,001,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Phil's Wireless",42.3577300,-71.9427817,06,1.1,1165.02624849,-33.8,0.39,0.24,63.85,2010-01-25,02:10:01.266
"Apartment 508",00:22:75:33:AB:99,"Belkin International, Inc.",78,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577367,-71.9428283,06,1.1,1126.64042166,-33.8,0,0,0,2010-01-25,02:09:54.655
"Apartment 508",00:22:75:33:AB:99,"Belkin International, Inc.",78,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577300,-71.9428150,06,1.1,1136.15485737,-33.8,0.28,0.17,93.00,2010-01-25,02:09:56.105
"Apartment 508",00:22:75:33:AB:99,"Belkin International, Inc.",78,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577317,-71.9428150,06,1.1,1136.48294136,-33.8,0.37,0.23,30.24,2010-01-25,02:09:57.141
"Apartment 508",00:22:75:33:AB:99,"Belkin International, Inc.",78,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577267,-71.9428033,06,1.1,1144.68504111,-33.8,0.33,0.21,91.53,2010-01-25,02:09:58.172
"Apartment 508",00:22:75:33:AB:99,"Belkin International, Inc.",83,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577233,-71.9427950,06,1.1,1151.24672091,-33.8,0.28,0.17,85.66,2010-01-25,02:09:59.220
"Apartment 508",00:22:75:33:AB:99,"Belkin International, Inc.",83,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577283,-71.9427867,06,1.1,1159.12073667,-33.8,0.28,0.17,85.66,2010-01-25,02:10:00.248
"Apartment 508",00:22:75:33:AB:99,"Belkin International, Inc.",78,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577300,-71.9427817,06,1.1,1165.02624849,-33.8,0.39,0.24,63.85,2010-01-25,02:10:01.266
"linksys",00:22:6B:53:6D:81,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",68,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577367,-71.9428283,06,1.1,1126.64042166,-33.8,0,0,0,2010-01-25,02:09:54.655
"linksys",00:22:6B:53:6D:81,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",68,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577300,-71.9428150,06,1.1,1136.15485737,-33.8,0.28,0.17,93.00,2010-01-25,02:09:56.105
"linksys",00:22:6B:53:6D:81,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",68,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577317,-71.9428150,06,1.1,1136.48294136,-33.8,0.37,0.23,30.24,2010-01-25,02:09:57.141
"linksys",00:22:6B:53:6D:81,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",68,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577267,-71.9428033,06,1.1,1144.68504111,-33.8,0.33,0.21,91.53,2010-01-25,02:09:58.172
"linksys",00:22:6B:53:6D:81,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",63,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577233,-71.9427950,06,1.1,1151.24672091,-33.8,0.28,0.17,85.66,2010-01-25,02:09:59.220
"linksys",00:22:6B:53:6D:81,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",63,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577283,-71.9427867,06,1.1,1159.12073667,-33.8,0.28,0.17,85.66,2010-01-25,02:10:00.248
"linksys",00:22:6B:53:6D:81,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",73,Open,WEP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577300,-71.9427817,06,1.1,1165.02624849,-33.8,0.39,0.24,63.85,2010-01-25,02:10:01.266
"gadget",00:23:69:D0:8A:75,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",37,WPA2-Personal,CCMP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577367,-71.9428283,06,1.1,1126.64042166,-33.8,0,0,0,2010-01-25,02:09:54.655
"gadget",00:23:69:D0:8A:75,"Cisco-Linksys, LLC",37,WPA2-Personal,CCMP,802.11g,006,1 2 5.5 11,6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54,Infrastructure,"Unknown",42.3577300,-71.9428150,06,1.1,1136.15485737,-33.8,0.28,0.17,93.00,2010-01-25,02:09:56.105
Hope this helps, and I would love to see vistumbler supported officially. If you need any more information please let me know.

-Andrew Calcutt
Last edited by ACalcutt on Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby womanizer » Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:55 am

are we ever going to get VS support?

even using VS = latest version as of Jan 2016;

it does crash , then you go to auto recovery and it crashes with a a C++ error when loading

is there anyway to use the auto recovery files and upload them directly to wigle?

Postby ACalcutt » Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:57 pm


I would still love to see vistumbler supported by the wiggle project, but nobody ever showed interest to my original post to get it supported. I am still willing try and get something that works with wiggle if someone wants to contact me. We currently have our own wireless database,, which supports our vistumbler formats.

You mentioned some crashing issues that sound like they may be from vistumbler. If you are having issues with vistumbler I highly suggest making a post on our support forums at

Andrew Calcutt

Postby bobzilla » Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:19 pm

Those formats look sane enough that they could probably be supported if there's interest.
-bobzilla - just a little bit

Postby arkasha » Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:19 pm

I'm sorry - this has been neglected for a number of reasons (including our long-standing desire to rework some elements of file processing) - I see the project has moved around and grown since the initial post - have the file formats remained constant since then? Is there an official reference other than the source for how values are handled and the file formats?


Postby ACalcutt » Sun Sep 06, 2020 8:48 pm

arkasha, I would say at this point my two formats below are fairly static at this point.

my current documentation for my VS1 is here ... VS1-Format

I also have a detailed CSV format which is probably easier to process. the documentation for that is here ... CSV-Format
(one problem with this one is there is no identifying header)

On my side I have started working on WigleWifi 1.4 CSV support. Its a little bit of a pain because Vistumbler uses windows Auth/Encr types which have to be translated a bit into the android style authmode you are using, but I think i have come close to converting back and forth. In my Vistumbler WifiDB I have supported importing the Wigle CSV since around December

I have started to make a Wigle Wifi 1.4 CSV export in vistumbler. Would someone tell me if the attached file it generated would be acceptable or have any tips on how i can make it better? Vistumbler stores all the signal history and GPS points, so I am sending multiple lines per ap when there is more that one signal point

I wouldn't mind using this Wigle Wifi CSV format as a bridge if thats the way you would want to go, but my two formats may have a bit more detail in them.
(5.52 KiB) Downloaded 2773 times

Postby ACalcutt » Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:51 am

I have uploaded my Vistumbler release with wigle csv import/export support to my beta branch at ... tumblerMDB

The current release there that has both import and export functionality is Vistumbler 10.7 Beta 5.
-To export to wigle csv, go to File -> Export to CSV -> (All or Filtered) -> check Wigle Wifi 1.4
-To import wigle csv, go to File -> Import -> check Wigle Wifi 1.4

If anyone has any issues, please let me know and I will see what I can do.

EDIT: Just to note, if you already have vistumbler and are on the beta branch in (Settings -> Misc Settings -> Update), you should already get this update through the auto updater.

Postby arkasha » Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:13 am

A few questions:
- Radio Type - is there a complete list of supported types?
- Channel - within 802.11n and 802.11ax, channel number + radio type doesn't map conclusively to a frequency
- We have some previous VS1 uploads with some unusual quirks, including lat/long values that use different coordinate systems (outside -180-180/-90-90. is there any documentation for these formats?
- What is the complete list of Security Type values? I have string literals for these in my sample files, not single characters.

Postby AZ_WD'er » Tue May 02, 2023 4:55 am

I goofed and sent a large file without logging in. I sent the same file
  • ight after. 2023-05-01_16-47-11.NS1
is there any to fix that?


Postby bobzilla » Wed May 03, 2023 4:09 am

This should be taken care of after the file finishes going through the pipeline again.
-bobzilla - just a little bit

Postby AZ_WD'er » Wed May 03, 2023 6:25 am

This should be taken care of after the file finishes going through the pipeline again.
Thanks, much appreciated


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