Looking for ideas on how to start a huge wardriver movement in New Caledonia because no one has discovered it here

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

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Hello wardrivers, french wardriver here, I'm want to create a huge wardriving movement in New Caledonia where this technique is not widely known and used at all.

I want to raise awareness and encourage people to map the Wi-Fi networks in their neighborhoods using the Wigle.net app.bcs this country have countless of un-scanned APs !

If you have an advice to share please post it below and if you want to contact me on how we can start the propaganda write me through wigle.net ! Thanks for any help :D

Hi Vin38281. You need to attract the attention of like minded people in that specific location. I'd try computer forums of all kinds, like Android, Raspberry Pi, Linux,. etc. Explain what you do and why and you can point to WiGLE.net so they can see the effort is world wide. Emphasize how easy it is. All you need is a single Android phone to start. It can be old or new. There are many other supported platforms as well. Create a User ID here and upload and follow results on WiGLE.net. Beware it can be addictive.

I started in 2005. You HAD to do a LOT of driving to find significant numbers back then. The WiFi density today is crazy dense in comparison. I hit it hard from 2005 to 2008. I took a break and dabbled a bit in 2016, took another break until Dec 2022 to now. I've almost tripled my numbers in the last 6 months adding 628,661 just last month alone. They're there, just go get them.


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