Wireless Security - Will the Public Improve

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Will the Public Improve?

Poll ended at Wed Jul 21, 2004 5:13 am

High Probability - the general public will install security measures (we achieved our goal!)
No votes
Low Probability - some of the general public will install security measures (we achieve our goal - better than none)
No - the general public will continue to do nothing to protect their information
Total votes: 7

WWWD4 Statistics lean toward the general public only being 30% +/- protected. Will the general public implement any security on their wireless AP's due to efforts of the true wardriver toward security awareness?

Of course, this is with the understanding that their is general news coverage like last year.


Postby mycroft » Mon Jun 21, 2004 6:20 am

but this is 30% of a larger sample population. 30% of 10 is 3, of 100 is 30. somewhere in this 27 people decided to do what 3 had previously done. Why? I agree that the averages are the same, and that it indicates that very little headway has been made, but I know 5 to 7 of those "27" are because of me, that I was influenced by WWWD1+ and WiGLE, and that those 5 to 7 people would have been part of the 70% if I hadn't talked to them and helped them. I'd consider it to be a safe bet that I'm not alone in this.

So in the aggregate no ground was gained, but no ground was lost, either. Is that because of people in the general public having awareness? Is it business deployments? Finally, how is it that the same ratios are maintained over an order-of-magnitude increase in the sample size if no one is being affected (assuming that even if it's not a direct effect it could have come from articles about previous wwwds)?

I guess I'm just keeping hope that people will take notice and that it will affect positive change.

Postby Guest » Mon Jun 21, 2004 5:56 pm

mycroft - interesting points. My favorite is how the network count of each drive increase dramatically, but the percentage appears to stay relatively the same. That blows me away.

Sooner or later, more coverage will occur on the wardrives. 300,000 is something to catch peoples attention. I just hope positive input is provided to support a more secure environment. I guess a first step is to supply general information to secure most common AP's out there. I know their is already some information out there, but to combine all of that information onto one site may provide an easier portal for the average user who knows nothing.



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