Newbie needing help with installation

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

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Postby Icarus » Thu Mar 04, 2004 12:05 am

Hi all,
I am a newbie and I downloaded the software for Jigle. What i think would be helpful for anyone coming to this site would be a page with step by step instructions for the novice to follow. Anyway, since this page doesn't exist can anyone give me help on how to install the software alongwith any other instructions that would be helpful


Postby uhtu » Thu Mar 04, 2004 1:00 am

well, the specifics really depend alot on your platform.

in any case, you've downloaded the zipfile or the tarball, and opened it up,
and read the README.txt file.

if you don't have java on your machine (all macs and sun boxes come with java, if you have a windows box it might not) go to and install it.
you can find out if you have java already by going to the command prompt and typing

java -version

if you get back something sensical (java version >= 1.3.1) you're all set.

then just double-click on either the run.bat or (depending on your java version) double click the JiGLE.jar file.

there's no "installation" in the normal crappy software sense that has a wizard and requires you to reboot. JiGLE (and DiGLE) Just Work from their installed directory.

thanks for trying it out, though!
if you can give us more information on what platform you're using and what problems you're running into we can probably do a better job of walking you through it

Postby Icarus » Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:17 pm

Thanks for the insight.

One of my machines is running Windows 2000 while the other machine is runnning Windows 98.

I have not run into any problems yet because I have not installed the software. I want to avoid any problems as those get me frustrated....LOL.

Thanks again.

Postby uhtu » Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm

you may be alot happier on the win2k box.
(actually, you'll be alot happier on whichever box has more RAM, JiGLE
can get... big)

run cmd.exe and see if you have java installed (as above)

alternately, since you're on windows. you may want to have a look at DiGLE
(available from the download page)

its win32 native, much smaller RAM usage, and does interesting integration with NetStumbler, and uses the same mappacks as JiGLE (plus it has a much more verbose help file, and a less grumpy maintainer :-)
Last edited by uhtu on Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby Guest » Thu Aug 26, 2004 2:11 am

Ok - I'm new as well - I CANNOT make any downloaded .zip mappack from any area comeup on the pulldown under "choose mappack" - the only thing that is there is the Washtenaw, MI map. Where do i extract the data to? What path is it lookin in? I've extracted it to every folder that is there and it still will not show on the pull down....what next?????

Postby uhtu » Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:29 pm

i'm assuming this is for JiGLE.
you unzip the mappack or maptree in the same directory as the main JiGLE files the jarfile/runscripts.

then you'll have to restart JiGLE to pick up the changes.

the structure in the mappack/maptree will be JiGLEMap/maps/ or mapData/ depending on the type.

for example:

Code: Select all

% ls % unzip % cd JiGLE % unzip ../ % unzip ../
would unpack the JiGLE app, the cook county mappack and maptree.

remember, if you're using DiGLE, it won't use the maptrees, it has to be a mappack.

Postby arkasha » Sun Aug 29, 2004 4:27 pm

remember, if you're using DiGLE, it won't use the maptrees, it has to be a mappack.
that's correct. DiGLE is designed so that you can run it on the same machine, in the same directory tho; so just make sure your DiGLE.exe is in the same place as you JiGLE and you're all good. If you're using winzip to unpack the files, make sure the "preserve directories" box is checked. (it's not by default in some versions)

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