DiGLE Changes

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

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Postby Blaze312 » Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:54 pm

Not so much a change with WiGLE, but more a change with DiGLE and perhaps JiGLE(I havent tried JiGLE so i'm not sure).

Is there any possibility to have the new version store the last location you opened a stumbling file from... and maybe even be able to remember if you last were viewing 'all files', or 'wigle data' or 'ns1' or whatever?

I see the usefulness in having it open your data folder with all your .WiGLE files, but for my setup its a pain in the ass.

Would anyone else here find this as a useful feature? Or would it cause more havik then resolution?

Postby NetBandit » Sun Apr 03, 2005 4:32 am

I have similar problems, so what I did is make a link/shortcut in the default directory to the directory I want to go to. It saves lots of time.


Postby arkasha » Mon Apr 11, 2005 6:03 am

i've added "remembering" filter value and directory for "during the current runtime", but i'm finding the remembering "between runs" thing a little annoying, since usually i want to start fresh in that case. which did you have in mind? whatever we decide, this change will be released in the next version of DiGLE.

as always, thanks for your interest.
priv-message me if you want to help me beta this change.

Postby Blaze312 » Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:35 pm

i dont think remembering between runs is needed... but for instance right now when i click 'load local' it always defaults back to the Digle\Data directory.

i store my stumbles from net stumbler in my documents. so everytime i click load local i have to go back to my documents. this isnt really a pain because theres a my documents button on the left. But also everytime i click load local it defaults back to the .WiGLE files. so everytime i have to change that as well.

so maybe just remembering the last file type you opened would fix the problem for the most part. (not between runs, just while the program is active)


Postby Schwa-D-Alien » Sun May 01, 2005 12:27 pm

Using DiGLE to monitor the streets I've covered while stumbling I've run into a problem where the maps I'm using have red roads and the little hash marks DiGLE uses to mark where I've been are also red. Is there any way to change the color and maybe make some kind of "you are here" dot or marker?

Postby arkasha » Mon May 02, 2005 9:23 pm

um. I thought I'd fixed that in a previous release; I found the red-cross position hashes similarly useless, and switched them to black. Small numbers of networks will still = red in the heatmap-scheme of this thing, though... consistency's sake.

If the latest DiGLE release currently up doesn't fix that, the latest build will, and I'll push them out together as a minor version (after a short beta)


Postby arkasha » Tue May 17, 2005 3:30 am

get it while it's fresh:

includes directory-prefs memory between loads, but not between runs.
should improve no-nets color scheme.

this link will go away eventually.

Postby Blaze312 » Tue May 17, 2005 8:30 pm

i just tried this new version. It still doesnt seem to be remembering the dir/file types..

Am i making a stupid mistake that im overlooking? Has anyone notice it saving the directory or filetype you last accessed?

Postby arkasha » Tue May 17, 2005 8:46 pm

nope. i'm a crazy person. will send the right file when i get home.

Postby arkasha » Thu May 19, 2005 8:59 am

url above now actually contains a version with the changes i promised in.
sorry for the confusion.

Postby Blaze312 » Wed May 25, 2005 7:34 am


It works now. Thanks and keep up the great work.

Postby Schwa-D-Alien » Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:16 am

Looks really good now, very easy to see on the maps I'm using. 8)

Sadly (or not) I'm ditching Windoze in favor of Linux, so I don't need DiGLE any more for tracking and stuff, but for those who still are perhaps a crosshair would be useful for determining the current location a little better (especially when you drive on the same road you've already been on) but I suppose this should be optional, like a button for tunring it off and on.

I know DiGLE isn't meant to be a real GPS navigation/mapping application, but it's the closest thing I could get my hands on, and certainly made life easier in the confusing subdivisions around here.

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