Contacting the person when you find their wireless network?
I am a newbie and I was wondering if anyone who goes out and wardrives contacts the person or business to make them aware of the situation? I had an idea of wardriving through my neighborhood and contacting people who I found had a vulnerable network and offer to fix it for free, but will accept donations?
Many have tried, few have succeeded. Search around the Net and you may even find video footage of such events happening. Most of the responses are of people who don't care and wondering more why you do. Sometimes you may get responses of people that may find you to be the cause of their "problems" and act accordingly. Also be aware that your attempt to "fix" someone's problem may get you into more than you bargained for. Lastly realizing that accepting money for fixing a problem "that really may not exist" brings thoughts of mob tactics to pay for "insurance". The last thing you want is to be sitting in a courthouse explaining yourself when being tried for extortion. Some say a simpler tactic could be to draw up a flyer of sorts and leave it on their doorstep. But if they aren't reading their manuals, they probably won't bother reading your advice. The best thing to do is join the community in educating the public, it is a slow evolving machine that you can help be part of with its benefit being you not landing in a courtroom. If you want to make a career in penetration testing do it through more legitimate channels and at a professional level where you are less likely to get into trouble.
Hopefully some of this advice helps!
Israel Torres
Hopefully some of this advice helps!
Israel Torres
[url=]Chronicles of a Wardriver[/url]
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