"my discoveries" rogue

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

27 posts • Page 2 of 2

Postby goldfndr » Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:43 am

Zoom in on it, hope the SSID is something that you can search easily on, then do a query on it, and check the lastseen date, to see if it corresponds with a date you might have detected it.
In addition to queryingthe SSID (or not), remember to fill in the Latitude and Longitude range from the Web Maps form, as that will cut down considerably on the number of records returned. Those ranges are probably tied to the 800x800 (400x400 maps in 2x2 grid) view that might or might not be visible in your browser.

Querying a range in Oklahoma (never been there) gave me five results.

Postby bobfunland » Mon May 29, 2006 1:13 pm

This guy is quite a mover, the point from OKC is now sitting on Long Island, NY.

Postby Blaze312 » Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:02 pm

I've got some points showing up in Texas, and I have never war driven in Texas before. Yet I find it hard to believe that 4 or 5 people moved from my state to the very close to the same area in TX.
In all likely hood, the number of people that have moved or traveled is probably alot higher and they are just waiting to be restumbled. Futhermore, considering the demographic of the population that I've stumbled in, I'm suprised that I don't have more (I'm sure that'll change, my scans are only two months old).

Just out of curiosity, what area in Texas did your points move to?
Sorry about the reply delay havent checked the forums in a while..

All the ones I have noticed are in the Houston area, some are in the city others are in the outskirts.

I believe i have a few more in other states, but they are hard to detect when I am zoomed very far out. The only reason I noticed the ones in Texas is because 4 of them were pretty close together.

Postby i_do_dew » Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:38 am

I tend to WD college student housing areas when I can because the AP density there is about double just about any other area in the area. Don't be supprised if some of your points move arround because of that alone.

now if ony I could easilly figure out where I was when I drove the 4000+ APs that some how didnt get GPS coords asigned.

Discovered Networks with GPS: 13,193
Percentage of Total Networks with GPS: (0.204%)
All Networks Recorded: 17,429

Postby mark571 » Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:07 pm

I tend to WD college student housing areas when I can because the AP density there is about double just about any other area in the area. Don't be supprised if some of your points move arround because of that alone.

now if ony I could easilly figure out where I was when I drove the 4000+ APs that some how didnt get GPS coords asigned.

Discovered Networks with GPS: 13,193
Percentage of Total Networks with GPS: (0.204%)
All Networks Recorded: 17,429
That 's easy if you kept your original logs. Do a WiGLE query for AP's found only by you with a zero as the coordinates. Now you have the MAC addresses and search your logs for that MAC. If that log has any with GPS then you have an idea where to start.

I keep a trace of every drive from day one so it's easy. Note that my ratio of networks with and without GPS is pretty low. 378,080 with out of 405,676 = 85.8%. That's because I go back and get them using the above technique. Start now, and it will make a big difference as your numbers grow.

Postby Dutch » Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:05 pm

That 's easy if you kept your original logs. Do a WiGLE query for AP's found only by you with a zero as the coordinates. Now you have the MAC addresses and search your logs for that MAC. If that log has any with GPS then you have an idea where to start.

I keep a trace of every drive from day one so it's easy. Note that my ratio of networks with and without GPS is pretty low. 378,080 with out of 405,676 = 85.8%. That's because I go back and get them using the above technique. Start now, and it will make a big difference as your numbers grow.
Actually your ratio is much better than 85.8 %.

Remember that 405,676 networks you refer to in the above calculation, is all the networks you have seen, including those that was first detected by others and those you have detected without coordinates. The 378,080 are networks with GPS data, that you have been the first to detect.

For example I've seen a total of 86,069 networks. Of those 86,069 networks I was the first to detect 80,056 with GPS data.

That leaves 6013 networks unaccounted for, but in order to calculate a correct ratio, I need to know how many of those networks are without gps data, and that information is not available. Those 6013 networks are made up by a sum of :
Networks with GPS detected first by others and then seen by me with or without GPS + networks without GPS first detected by others and then seen by me without GPS as well + networks first seen by me without GPS.

I've shown you how to pull down the data you have uploaded, and from that you calculate and then take the last item out of the equation - the number of networks first seen by you but without GPS data. The two other parts of the equation are unknown.

In my case, I have 1028 networks without GPS data uploaded that was first seen by me. Using that as the basis for a ratio, gives a more correct figure IMHO. That would give me a ratio of (80,056 + 1028)/80,056*100 = 98.7%.

Using your calculation, I'd have a ratio of 93.0 %


Postby mark571 » Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:20 pm

That 's easy if you kept your original logs. Do a WiGLE query for AP's found only by you with a zero as the coordinates. Now you have the MAC addresses and search your logs for that MAC. If that log has any with GPS then you have an idea where to start.

I keep a trace of every drive from day one so it's easy. Note that my ratio of networks with and without GPS is pretty low. 378,080 with out of 405,676 = 85.8%. That's because I go back and get them using the above technique. Start now, and it will make a big difference as your numbers grow.
Actually your ratio is much better than 85.8 %.

Remember that 405,676 networks you refer to in the above calculation, is all the networks you have seen, including those that was first detected by others and those you have detected without coordinates. The 378,080 are networks with GPS data, that you have been the first to detect.

For example I've seen a total of 86,069 networks. Of those 86,069 networks I was the first to detect 80,056 with GPS data.

That leaves 6013 networks unaccounted for, but in order to calculate a correct ratio, I need to know how many of those networks are without gps data, and that information is not available. Those 6013 networks are made up by a sum of :
Networks with GPS detected first by others and then seen by me with or without GPS + networks without GPS first detected by others and then seen by me without GPS as well + networks first seen by me without GPS.

I've shown you how to pull down the data you have uploaded, and from that you calculate and then take the last item out of the equation - the number of networks first seen by you but without GPS data. The two other parts of the equation are unknown.

In my case, I have 1028 networks without GPS data uploaded that was first seen by me. Using that as the basis for a ratio, gives a more correct figure IMHO. That would give me a ratio of (80,056 + 1028)/80,056*100 = 98.7%.

Using your calculation, I'd have a ratio of 93.0 %

As usual, you are correct. :wink: My ratio is actually 98.64%.

Postby Dutch » Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:59 pm

As usual, you are correct. :wink: My ratio is actually 98.64%.
Now you're cooking with fire.. :wink:


Postby mark571 » Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:52 pm

As usual, you are correct. :wink: My ratio is actually 98.64%.
Now you're cooking with fire.. :wink:

As of a few minutes ago, make that 99.06% 8)

Postby Dutch » Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:45 am

As usual, you are correct. :wink: My ratio is actually 98.64%.
Now you're cooking with fire.. :wink:

As of a few minutes ago, make that 99.06% 8)
Now you're cooking with propane... :wink:

Postby i_do_dew » Sat Jun 17, 2006 8:43 am

That 's easy if you kept your original logs. Do a WiGLE query for AP's found only by you with a zero as the coordinates. Now you have the MAC addresses and search your logs for that MAC. If that log has any with GPS then you have an idea where to start.

I keep a trace of every drive from day one so it's easy. Note that my ratio of networks with and without GPS is pretty low. 378,080 with out of 405,676 = 85.8%. That's because I go back and get them using the above technique. Start now, and it will make a big difference as your numbers grow.
Yep I keep all of my logs, all 37mb of them. I also noticed that The upload status page lists when new networks were not GPS'd. If I provide new data for those, will my stats update even if the file upload doesnt outright state new networks with GPS?

Postby mark571 » Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:13 pm

That 's easy if you kept your original logs. Do a WiGLE query for AP's found only by you with a zero as the coordinates. Now you have the MAC addresses and search your logs for that MAC. If that log has any with GPS then you have an idea where to start.

I keep a trace of every drive from day one so it's easy. Note that my ratio of networks with and without GPS is pretty low. 378,080 with out of 405,676 = 85.8%. That's because I go back and get them using the above technique. Start now, and it will make a big difference as your numbers grow.
Yep I keep all of my logs, all 37mb of them. I also noticed that The upload status page lists when new networks were not GPS'd. If I provide new data for those, will my stats update even if the file upload doesnt outright state new networks with GPS?
Yes, if you previously discovered a network w/o GPS and uploaded it and then you later upload it again with GPS you will get credit.

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