
The gear needed for wardriving

21 posts • Page 2 of 2

Postby simestd » Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:07 pm

I for one would really like to see any information you have on your setup and methods. I'm new to the hobby, and I'm currently using Kismet with GPSdrive on FreeBSD logging to mysql. Although the moving map bit with the APs popping up on it is cool and all, I would be much more likely to stumble every trip if I had something like you are describing.

Postby littledave » Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:19 pm

I for one would really like to see any information you have on your setup and methods. I'm new to the hobby, and I'm currently using Kismet with GPSdrive on FreeBSD logging to mysql. Although the moving map bit with the APs popping up on it is cool and all, I would be much more likely to stumble every trip if I had something like you are describing.

Postby simestd » Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:52 pm


Thanks, I had seen that link in my googling. Given the right AP versions the serial hack seems simple enough. One part that is missing though is the OP had mentioned automated uploading of the data files to his home mysql server. I'm curious as to how that is being done. I would think that the AP would need to stop stumbling to associate and upload. Is this driven by cron?, triggered by proximity of particular APs? The OP also mentioned storing the data in mysql on his home server and I'm interested in the schema - does it contain more detail than GPSdrive's geoinfo? Finally, I've poked around looking for an API description for automated file posting - are scripts out there or should I just break out perl and start whacking?


Postby darkpeng22 » Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:39 am

I just spent a bunch of money building a new wrt54g v4 w/dual serial+512mb sd, but I am having troubles getting the kismet server working. :cry:
If anyone wants to help a poor kismet n00b, that would be awesome. :D

Also, If anyone knows how to make the router re-send the gps info from one serial port to the other, or even better, through the network (ethernet), I would like to know that too.

Postby i_do_dew » Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:32 pm

Also, If anyone knows how to make the router re-send the gps info from one serial port to the other, or even better, through the network (ethernet), I would like to know that too.
look into GPSd

Postby Zachariah » Sat Aug 19, 2006 5:18 pm

I'm just posting so I can keep track of this thread. sorry for the noise

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