Need GPS advice.

The gear needed for wardriving

4 posts • Page 1 of 1

Postby airsonix » Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:08 pm

Hi there.
May i ask you wich best gps is adviced with
a compaq 2550 laptop with orinoco gold abg pcmcia and netstumbler?
What should i buy?

Postby i_do_dew » Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:08 am

Well what GPS also depends on a few other factors.

First is how you are mounting it and its' gender?

Another big factor is the type of transport, its' age, color, and possibly gender as well.

I suggest doing a search of the forums, reading the FAQ, and possibly figuring out what WiGLE is for.

Postby airsonix » Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:00 pm

I didn’t found so much reading about GPS on the forum by searching.
But the problem is not the GPS its self , but that where i leave in Israel,
there is no navigation software for PC for streets, but only TERRAIN navigation, so i want be able to point AP's coordinates.

If i could connect for example a Mio to my laptop and by it to point the AP's coordinate it would be great or any other idea.

Any suggestions or idea?
Be kind, please help me.

Yours AirSonix

Postby argh » Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:32 pm

in general, nearly any GPS that has NMEA output (which about all of them) should work. you need to take into consideration on how it will physically connect to your laptop/PC (USB, bluetooth, serial port).

it sounds more like you are needing mapping software, not wardriving software. you mentioned Netstumbler, which indicates you are using Windows. others here may be able to suggest mapping software that will cover Israel for you. i use for mapping. it can use international maps to a point, but i do not know about Israel. it does support NASA satellite maps, but i haven't tried that. it doesn't run under Windows, only Linux.

there may be some commercial navigation solutions for Israel.

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