seven-oh and nary a firework...

Notes regarding project status and info

6 posts • Page 1 of 1

Postby pejacoby » Wed Aug 09, 2006 3:19 am

It's gotten to be like Mars probe launches around here...just routine, another day another million points of light. No fireworks, no wiggly puppies, no lap dances....

Sheesh, you'd think everyone was at DefCon or something... :D

Postby uhtu » Wed Aug 09, 2006 2:06 pm

do you have any concept of how long it takes to count these things by hand?
we'll be lucky if we get there by 8MM and have to start all over!

Postby mark571 » Wed Aug 09, 2006 3:36 pm

do you have any concept of how long it takes to count these things by hand?
we'll be lucky if we get there by 8MM and have to start all over!
I've heard there are some election workers in FL that can count reasonably well if you need extra help. Just think what the maps would look like. :shock:

Postby pejacoby » Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:10 pm

do you have any concept of how long it takes to count these things by hand?
we'll be lucky if we get there by 8MM and have to start all over!
I heard that Diebold was having a fire-sale on some of their late model counting devices...

Maybe you should color-code the data points for easier sorting? Lime-green for Linksys (woah! big pile!), burnt-sienna for Cisco, etc.

Postby hbest » Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:29 am

My best friend works for Diebold here in Virginia. I will put the pressure on him about the counting. Plus the added benefit (at least from my end) I can tease him some more about their vote counting machines. Life is sweet, you never know where you can get fresh ammuntion!

Sheesh, you'd think everyone was at DefCon or something... :D
Isn't it obvious? We're all out wardriving!

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