Plotting results on a map
I'm looking for some help plotting my findings on a map on my own website. I have tried but it doesn't seem to work well with more than just a few points (I have about 4000 so far).
I admit that I do not know much about the Google Maps API etc but believe it is not designed to plot so many points.
I'm just using NetStumbler and don't have Linux at all (yeah maybe one day!)
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I'm looking for some help plotting my findings on a map on my own website. I have tried but it doesn't seem to work well with more than just a few points (I have about 4000 so far).
I admit that I do not know much about the Google Maps API etc but believe it is not designed to plot so many points.
I'm just using NetStumbler and don't have Linux at all (yeah maybe one day!)
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
You can use this site to parse your netstumbler summary exports to be used in about any mapping program.
Although I'm not too familiar with Google Maps API or GPS Visualizer, I've had no trouble using phpStumblerParser and MS Streets & Trips to plot over 8000 points on a single map. In my case I just use a screen shot of the map to be used on a website.
Although I'm not too familiar with Google Maps API or GPS Visualizer, I've had no trouble using phpStumblerParser and MS Streets & Trips to plot over 8000 points on a single map. In my case I just use a screen shot of the map to be used on a website.
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