digle request data from wigle? (help please)

The gear needed for wardriving

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When I open the digle interface, select county, and "connect to wigle", it authenticates login succesfully but never makes it past requesting the geographic points from the site. for example:
making request for:
Lat: -84.13375
Lat: -83.53939
Lon: 42.48566
Lon: 42.021343
it either says "freaked out on http GET for http://www.wigle.net/gpsopen/gps/GPSDB/ ... imple=true
Or nothing happens (when I hit "exit" nothing happens).

Is there anyway I can debug this from the command prompt OR just get the data off this site manully?
It worked once, but I haven't done anything xept add a couple mappacks. Maybe I should put the mappack files from different counties in seperate folders?

Here's how the directorie's organized on my comp:

Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\computer stuff\Digle

12/15/2006 05:56 PM <DIR> .
12/15/2006 05:56 PM <DIR> ..
12/20/2006 01:25 AM <DIR> data
06/26/2004 11:49 AM 856,576 DiGLE.exe
12/15/2006 05:33 PM <DIR> JiGLEMap
11/04/2003 11:46 PM 1,795 NS-integ.vbs
2 File(s) 858,371 bytes

Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\computer stuff\Digle\data

12/20/2006 01:25 AM <DIR> .
12/20/2006 01:25 AM <DIR> ..
12/20/2006 02:43 AM 120 DiGLE.prefs
12/20/2006 01:56 AM 1,665,978 Los Angeles County.gz
12/20/2006 01:56 AM 7,189,657 Los Angeles County.WiGLE
12/15/2006 06:08 PM 613,399 Washtenaw County, MI.gz
12/15/2006 06:08 PM 2,591,365 Washtenaw County, MI.WiGLE
5 File(s) 12,060,519 bytes

Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\computer stuff\Digle\JiGLEMap

12/15/2006 05:33 PM <DIR> .
12/15/2006 05:33 PM <DIR> ..
12/20/2006 08:21 PM <DIR> maps
0 File(s) 0 bytes

Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\computer stuff\Digle\JiGLEMap\maps

12/20/2006 08:21 PM <DIR> .
12/20/2006 08:21 PM <DIR> ..
07/28/2003 02:32 PM 14,926,704 06037.geo
07/28/2003 02:33 PM 6,244,137 06037.meta
07/28/2003 02:36 PM 5,004,372 06059.geo
07/28/2003 02:36 PM 2,581,775 06059.meta
07/28/2003 02:46 PM 5,266,432 06111.geo
07/28/2003 02:46 PM 1,118,509 06111.meta
07/12/2004 08:13 PM 123,881 TGR06037-0.png
07/12/2004 08:13 PM 388,233 TGR06037-1.png
07/12/2004 08:13 PM 990,747 TGR06037-2.png
07/12/2004 08:13 PM 6,784,167 TGR06037-3.png
07/12/2004 08:13 PM 283 TGR06037.mappack
06/30/2004 12:25 AM 126,392 TGR06059-0.png
06/30/2004 12:27 AM 699,818 TGR06059-1.png
06/30/2004 12:30 AM 2,137,100 TGR06059-2.png
06/30/2004 12:35 AM 5,458,010 TGR06059-3.png
06/30/2004 12:35 AM 281 TGR06059.mappack
12/27/2004 11:45 PM 93,560 TGR06111-0.png
12/27/2004 11:45 PM 272,776 TGR06111-1.png
12/27/2004 11:45 PM 1,554,498 TGR06111-2.png
12/27/2004 11:45 PM 4,705,312 TGR06111-3.png
12/27/2004 11:45 PM 280 TGR06111.mappack
09/05/2002 11:56 AM 132,398 TGR26161-0.png
09/05/2002 11:57 AM 557,620 TGR26161-1.png
09/05/2002 11:58 AM 1,387,270 TGR26161-2.png
09/05/2002 11:58 AM 247 TGR26161.mappack
25 File(s) 60,554,802 bytes

Total Files Listed:
32 File(s)
11 Dir(s)

* the date modified for mappacks are a few years old, but would load newer data if it would connect to site succesffully, correct?
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