11 Million Coming Soon...

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

2 posts • Page 1 of 1

Postby Blaze312 » Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:21 pm

Since we are nearing the 11 Million mark. I had an idea that I have been throwing around for quite some time. But don't have the man power to do it.

I think when the 11 Million mark news gets released we should try to get Dugg.

I am sure many of you are members/have heard of www.digg.com.
When we hit the 11 million mark we should try to get dugg to the first page. Granted I know we have quite a few members but the additional publicity wouldn't hurt.

I suggest we post a new topic on digg and anyone who's a member there look for all Wigle related articles and digg them up. Maybe we can get some new members in areas of the world that don't have anyone actively stumbling.

What do you think?

Postby Dutch » Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:26 pm

Since we are nearing the 11 Million mark. I had an idea that I have been throwing around for quite some time. But don't have the man power to do it.

I think when the 11 Million mark news gets released we should try to get Dugg.

I am sure many of you are members/have heard of www.digg.com.
When we hit the 11 million mark we should try to get dugg to the first page. Granted I know we have quite a few members but the additional publicity wouldn't hurt.

I suggest we post a new topic on digg and anyone who's a member there look for all Wigle related articles and digg them up. Maybe we can get some new members in areas of the world that don't have anyone actively stumbling.

What do you think?
Just /. it.. You'll be in Bobzilla, uhtu and Arkasha's goodnight prayers forever.. :shock:

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