GSM Signal Strenght in South America
We are a company who sells Fixed Wireless Terminals, which is a business that is common in Europe but not in the US, and we have issues with the signal when we install our CPE equipment in our customers, the blame goes from the GSM signal to our equipment performance, so it will be very help full to have a way to measure the GSM signal in/and around the customers facilities , any ideas ....
Not too sure it's relevant to this forum, but anyway, I'd say get a phone, preferably with an antenna socket, and enable the relevant network monitor mode on it.
Yes. Get a GSM phone with a Bluetooth modem that is activated on the network that your customers will be using. Use the AT+CSQ command (Google for it if you need documentation) to query the phone's signal strength. You might also find the AT+WS46? command helpful -- it can tell you whether the phone is on a GPRS, WCDMA, or 3GPP (?) it will be very help full [sic] to have a way to measure the GSM signal in/and around the customers facilities , any ideas ....
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