antenna help?
I made the pringles antenna from the book wireless hacks exactly as it said, but it doesn't seem to work. I am using a 60mw hwug1 wifi card, 7ft rp-sma to n male pigtail (hand made by person on ebay) After a 10 minute walk around neighborhood, normally get 45 aps, only got 1 with pringles antenna and was weak signal. Is it because of the long pigtail and weak wifi card or what is the problem?
cantennas are directional. VERY directional. You would need to point the cantenna at the house you're trying to warwalk, and sometimes, you may even have to point the cantenna at the AP itself in the house to get a signal.
All that aside, are you sure you have the measurements correct, the offset from the back of the can, to the antenna wire are critical for gain, as is the size of the antenna where it connects to the fitting. The measurement is also not from the base of the fitting, it's from the inside of the can to the tip of the antenna, 1mm will make a big difference in gain.
You'd be better off with an omni, a cheap $20 mag mount, stuck onto a metal disc (I believe 20cm across was the size, google it) as a ground plain and walk around with that.
Kudos to you for trying though, you learn by doing. My first cantenna sucked also, it got a better signal with the stubby out of the can, then it did with it inside it.
Not to bust on you, but do you understand the difference in the types of antennas and how RF propigates? I know you've asked around about books and such, but do you understand the concepts, or are you still feeling it out?
All that aside, are you sure you have the measurements correct, the offset from the back of the can, to the antenna wire are critical for gain, as is the size of the antenna where it connects to the fitting. The measurement is also not from the base of the fitting, it's from the inside of the can to the tip of the antenna, 1mm will make a big difference in gain.
You'd be better off with an omni, a cheap $20 mag mount, stuck onto a metal disc (I believe 20cm across was the size, google it) as a ground plain and walk around with that.
Kudos to you for trying though, you learn by doing. My first cantenna sucked also, it got a better signal with the stubby out of the can, then it did with it inside it.
Not to bust on you, but do you understand the difference in the types of antennas and how RF propigates? I know you've asked around about books and such, but do you understand the concepts, or are you still feeling it out?
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