Violation of California State Law
This web site contains information relating to private wireless networks. Publication of this information without the consent of the owner of the wireless netwrk is in violation of California Penal Code section 502, subdivision (c)(6), "knowingly and without permission provides or assists in providing a means of accessing a computer, computer system, or coumputer network." A violation of this section may be punished as an infraction, a misdemeanor, or a felony, depending upon the victim's expenditure.
At this time we are requesting that you refrain from publishing any access information relating to provate networks without obtaining the prior consent of the owner. For futher information on this topic I may be contacted at 916 445 9330.
Robert M. Morgester
California Deputy Atorney General
Special Crimes Unit.
At this time we are requesting that you refrain from publishing any access information relating to provate networks without obtaining the prior consent of the owner. For futher information on this topic I may be contacted at 916 445 9330.
Robert M. Morgester
California Deputy Atorney General
Special Crimes Unit.
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