mappacks / jigle (not updated?)

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Postby 789101112 » Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:05 pm

if i use Jigle and MapPacks, i have no recent data. Why are the map packs not updated?

I believe a better solution would be to have jigle query the database and plot points on a map rather than download a map that has data image-processed on top of it.

Postby m86 » Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:13 pm

The data isn't embedded in the map. Re-query the database by reloading the map (selecting '<choose mappack>' and then your map). It doesn't load it all at once, you will need to do that a bit.
okay i understand it works by query; however no matter how many times i reload the map, i never have the data i expect. my city is filled with data on the webmaps, but nothing in jigle.

BUT ALAS, i have found something SUPER: WiGLE to GoogleEarth (kml) ... it seems king!(at first trial run): ... oogleearth

Thank you!

Postby m86 » Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:28 pm

I suppose it could be a similar problem encountered with my county. It's stuck at a certain date and additional queries will not add additional points.. but it should have everything before mid-2009 covered.
Last edited by m86 on Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby uhtu » Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:49 am

yeah, there are issues. mea culpa.
i have fixes for some of them, and am just really delinquent in releasing a new jigle version.
i'll try and push that higher up on the priority stack

Postby Anon1985 » Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:06 am

Can't seem to get this working in the UK, we don't use zip codes here and My latt n long isn't recoginsed.

Postby bobzilla » Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:07 am

We generate MapPacks from a U.S. dataset, you would have to generate your own MapPack for outside the U.S.

Details in the sticky thread:
-bobzilla - just a little bit

Postby i_do_dew » Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:28 pm

I'm wondering if it would be possible to regen the map packs themselves. They have to be 5 or so years out of date. The bounding box coordinates should be the same but having updated roads would be nice. Or maybe to take some load off of you guys doing it. post the script* that does it and anyone who cares can generate vector tiles for a particular area in TIGER and pass them back to you. Unless you could some how generate them out of the OSM dataset that could work too. For the US, OSM recently did a TIGER Update and applied all road changes that were not already edited by humans. That is the best of both worlds, and the OSM licensing permits it.

*Script or process for making the vector maps as opposed to the raster maps that the other post describe.

If you are taking requests for JiGLE, have an option to exclude one type of map since it and DiGLE can share the same mapping directory and DiGLE uses Raster.

In case anyone is interested, the data for all 64 counties in NY State is 464MB uncompressed That is both Raster and Vector Maps. I'd still like to figure a way to load the full state, but pulling the data from your site would be brutal come update time so I totally understand having it broken into county sized chunks.
Have you driven today?

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