Rasberry Pi

The gear needed for wardriving

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Postby c-side » Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:05 pm

I did a quick search to see if there were posts about using a RasperryPi to do wardriving - I have not come across any references.

Has anyone tried this?

Postby york2600 » Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:02 am

http://blog.spiderlabs.com/2012/12/ward ... style.html

Postby c-side » Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:43 pm

Thanks - that is a great tutorial or blog. I tried searching but I did not come across this one. I am half way through trying it and will let you know how it goes.

Postby bigstape » Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:14 am

Picked one of these up (at $35 I couldn't resist) but I haven't gotten around to setting it up yet.

I've been outside the box. There's a bigger box.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and eventually you will run out of fish.

Postby cyphonix » Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:32 pm

I use a Raspberry Pi with my "discrete" setup (Raspberry Pi, Alfa USB adapter, 12000 mAH batter pack, BU-353 GPS, 7dB magnetic mount mobile antenna)... It runs Kali Linux and works well. I just put a few instructions into /etc/rc.local to initiate gpsd, airmon and kismet server.

Postby thwiggle » Sun Jul 07, 2013 9:53 pm

I use a Raspberry Pi with my "discrete" setup (Raspberry Pi, Alfa USB adapter, 12000 mAH batter pack, BU-353 GPS, 7dB magnetic mount mobile antenna)... It runs Kali Linux and works well. I just put a few instructions into /etc/rc.local to initiate gpsd, airmon and kismet server.
My new war driving rig looks very similar, this week I’ve got my first Raspberry Pi (Model B) and put it together with two Alfa Wifi adapters, a Garmin GPS18x USB, USB hub and Newtrent IMP120D powerpack into a household box that fits into a small backpack.

The first results looks promising but not spectacular in comparison with my Android Phone (about 100% gain in found networks.)


Postby garnet » Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:34 am

I've ordered parts for a similar rig, with a Raspberry Pi (Model B), one Alfa AWUS036H Wifi adapter w 9dBi antenna, a BU-353 GPS, a Newtrent IMP120D powerpack and a couple of class 10 SD cards. My Pi won't come until Friday, so I'm stuck staring at the parts until it comes.

In the meantime, I've been running with two Android phones simultaneously. I've found that running two phones picks up about an extra of 10% to 20% more APs than running with just one phone. It also is (obviously) redundant, so when one device craps out (or runs out of batteries or has problems) the other device is there and running. This is working well, and I'm currently in #2 spot for most APs found this month - although some of this can be blamed on my wife being out of town and being located in Southern California with a lot of density around me - at best, I can hit about 1K APs an hour.

thwiggle - by 100% gain in comparison to Android, do you mean that you're seeing double the APs?

Also, what is the blue-ish Alfa Wifi "N" adapter you're running, and what are the advantages to running it?

thwiggle - I'd like to hear more details about how you've configured your Raspberry Pi - especially if you're running Kali Linux and what you did to configure it.
alfa-9db-ARS-N19BP-4.jpg (123.28 KiB) Viewed 107861 times

Postby bigstape » Thu Jul 11, 2013 3:16 am

what is the blue-ish Alfa Wifi "N" adapter
That is the Alfa AWUS036NH, probably the best 802.11n wireless card for kismet.

I suspect that the H, which is better at detection, can also detect "n" wireless, but I'm not sure, so I favor running both these cards at the same time myself.

Kismet splits the channels between them, and this increases the chances of detection, particularly at highway speed.

I've been outside the box. There's a bigger box.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and eventually you will run out of fish.

Postby thwiggle » Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:54 pm

thwiggle - by 100% gain in comparison to Android, do you mean that you're seeing double the APs?

Also, what is the blue-ish Alfa Wifi "N" adapter you're running, and what are the advantages to running it?

thwiggle - I'd like to hear more details about how you've configured your Raspberry Pi - especially if you're running Kali Linux and what you did to configure it.
Bigstape answered some of your questions already, i'm still finetuning and testing the box but did see once about double the AP's (100% gain), on another trip I found 50% more networks compared to my Android phone.

If you have some exprerience with Linux it would not be that hard to configure the Raspberry Pi, just unzip the NOOBS package on your SD card, and install Raspbian (recommended). I've no experience with Kali Linux. The Alfa Wifi adapters were supported out-of-the box under Raspbian, just use apt-get to install some additional GPS packages etc...

Kismet compiled without any problems, I just put kismet-server in my /etc/rc.local startup script.

Postby garnet » Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:11 am

(Currently waiting for a newer version of kismet to compile on my rpi... it's taking a while)

Although this isn't difficult to make with protoboard, here's something I came across that could be a useful as a rpi-based car configuration - it's cheap, too:


https://www.modmypi.com/raspberry-pi-ex ... d-on-board

In terms of software, there's https://github.com/Wardriving-for-Raspb ... iwardrive/ - although the board doesn't seem to be available. There's also the similar https://github.com/Supermagnum/wardrive-leds.

Postby garnet » Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:14 am

I got mine up and running - it was primarily an issue with me using apt-get on the rpi, which installs a very old version of kismet. Feeling dumb.

4am - must sleep.

Postby garnet » Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:51 pm

I'm not getting as good performance as I'd hoped out of my Pi: my Android phones running find more APs (due to scanning at 50ms, I think) - although my Pi finds ones further (due to a better antenna, I think).

As a comparison, on the same run:

• Pi v2 w/ Alfa AWUS036H w/ 9dbi antenna and BU-353 GPS, hopping 3 ch/sec in Kismet-2013-03-R1b: 2950 Wifi found
• Nexus One w/ Wigle Android app, 50ms scan rate: 3420 Wifi found
• Another Nexus One w/ Wigle Android app, 50ms scan rate: 4710 Wifi found

Despite finding less APs, the Pi found over a thousand APs that the phones didn't find - I'm assuming this may be due to the Alfa's 9dbi antenna.

I've read a bit on channel hopping settings with Kismet - http://www.netstumbler.org/off-topic/ch ... 19690.html - although this information is 7 years old.

Does anybody know ways to improve the performance of Kismet on a Pi? (I'm new to Kismet.) When modifying kismet.conf and increasing the channel hopping speed ('channelvelocity') from 3 to 5, my Kismet UI almost completely freezes up - I haven't run any tests with this yet, though.

Postby ccie4526 » Sat Jul 12, 2014 3:06 pm

My latest portable sniffer kit:
raspi-kismet.jpg (250.55 KiB) Viewed 104718 times
RasPi with a GPS Addon board (source: http://ava.upuaut.net/store/index.php?r ... duct_id=95) to make a really simple, compact kit. I have since replaced the GPS antenna with one that has a MUCH shorter piece of coax, so I'm not having to deal with a huge bundle of cable.

Unit is, of course, powered from any standard USB charger, but IMPORTANT to note that the charger needs to provide greater than 1 ampere of current at 5VDC. Some chargers are limited to less than 1 amp, and those will cause problems.

Postby Whig » Mon Jul 28, 2014 8:49 am

Last summer warwalk raspi:

This summer warwalk raspi:

And now I'm doing one with display which shows more info and example latest SSID... but info and photos about that later if somebody is interested?
op de raspberry pi zou je zowel gsm masten als wifi moeten kunnen analyseren.

wifi m.b.v. een wifi dongle. en gsm signalen m.b.v. een 3G of 4G Dongle, of m.b.v.:

zie ook de aflevering op http://www.hak5.org namelijk: http://hak5.org/episodes/hak5-1621
[*]RTL-SDR and GNU Radio with Realtek RTL2832U [Elonics E4000/Raphael Micro R820T] software defined radio receivers. http://hakshop.myshopify.com/products/s ... it-rtl-sdrImage
[*]900-1800 Mhz antenne http://hakshop.myshopify.com/products/g ... hz-antenna Image
[*] SMA Female to MCX Male Adapter http://hakshop.myshopify.com/products/s ... le-adapterImage

eventueel zou je i.p.v. een rtl-SDR dongle ook een hackrf kunnen pakken denk ik. http://hakshop.myshopify.com/products/hackrf Image

uiteraard moet dan wel het een en ander geschreven worden voor de raspberry pi, of eventueel zou men een special wigle image kunnen maken, zodat men dit na hartelust kan uitproberen op de raspberry pi.

Wie weet een oplossing m.b.v. bovenstaande hardware componenten in een raspberry pi. eventueel i.c.m. een GPS receiver?

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