Aerial question(s)

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

3 posts • Page 1 of 1

Postby Scott010265 » Tue Feb 10, 2004 10:23 pm

I have been looking at this script for a while and finally decided to run it. Well everything seems to work fine until it tries to copy the maps.

I get:

cp: cannot stat 'TGR22051aerial-0.png' no such file or directory

Then it quits.

Seems like it expects a file to be there already, but there isnt one.
(dont trust me on this)


Postby mentat » Fri Feb 13, 2004 5:32 am

Can you copy and paste the whole sequence into a message here?

Postby mentat » Tue Feb 17, 2004 3:09 pm

You probably don't have imagemagick installed. type "convert" at your cygwin bash shell command line and see if it finds a program.

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