As a fan of IronGeek's igigle, I've pseudo-replicated his program in BASH. However, it only uses U.S. zipcodes.
It's function is to download WiGLE.net data based on a U.S. zipcode (converted to LAT/LONG) and transform such into a .kml file to be used in Google Earth.
Dependencies: csvtool, curl, bc, grep, egrep, awk, WiGLE.net account. It has minimal error checking, if any.
Enjoy: https://github.com/meoso/wigle2kml/
It's function is to download WiGLE.net data based on a U.S. zipcode (converted to LAT/LONG) and transform such into a .kml file to be used in Google Earth.
Dependencies: csvtool, curl, bc, grep, egrep, awk, WiGLE.net account. It has minimal error checking, if any.
Enjoy: https://github.com/meoso/wigle2kml/
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