Personal db to CSV?

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

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Postby AScnrDrkly » Fri Sep 02, 2016 1:45 am

I seem to be having quite the trouble getting a personal database exported to CSV. I import observed to DB, the sqlite database file grows noticeably, then try to export DB to CSV, and it only exports the run to CSV. What's more, I was using a very outdated version (whichever was current as of April 2015), and upgraded to the latest to see if this would make any difference. So I'm wondering whether it's an issue with the way the server is sending the db now? The imported db also doesn't seem to be queryable within WiGLE, and KML export seems to export a bunch of no-name networks with only SSID and GPS coords of 0,0.

Postby bobzilla » Sat Sep 03, 2016 4:29 am

There are 'export run' and 'export db' buttons on the database view, the latter will write out the entire database and not just the run.
-bobzilla - just a little bit

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