Translation help

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Postby arkasha » Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:48 pm

WiGLE World - it's been brought to our attention that the WiGLE WiFi Wardriving translation is currently a Hans translation, and that a number of folks would prefer Hant. Can we ask for some help? We've partitioned the language files into zh, zh-HK, and zh-TW - but these are just copies to use as templates that need to be updated from the original "simplified" translation.

In our quest to make everyone happy, we're asking you, the WiGLE community to help us get these translations working for everyone. Since your humble authors are English-as-a-first-language speakers, we refer to the english file as the one we think is "correct" for the app, but all help is welcome. If you're comfortable translating, but not in github, feel free to email us at wigle-admin[at]!
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