Rasberry Pi

The gear needed for wardriving

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Postby VeNoM07 » Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:10 pm

how does using 2 wireless cards help with the scanning?

Postby bobzilla » Thu Sep 04, 2014 5:12 am

More coverage, since the cards are frequency hopping. Perfect setup would be one card per channel...
-bobzilla - WiGLE.net just a little bit

Postby VeNoM07 » Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:46 am

So 1 card per channel
Wouldn't that be 11 cards ?
Do you have to setup the 2 cards per channel?
And if so
How would I do it?

Postby cyphonix » Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:23 pm

I have found (for 2.4GHz), a 4-card setup to be extremely effective, setting card 1 to stay on channel 1, card 2 to stay on channel 6 and card 3 to stay on channel 11, with card 4 hopping through channels 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12 and 13).

If you configure a 3 or 4 card system as mentioned above, prepare for (VERY) large gpsxml and packet files, as kismet will report every AP it hears at every GPS position it hears them at. When I went to this configuration my gpsxml files (per 1 hour timeframe, per a cron job restarting kismet) were 5-10x larger than they had been previously with multiple cards all just hopping.

I'm almost done configuration of an 8-card setup (4 on 2.4GHz, 4 on 5.8GHz) with a Raspberry Pi2 (4-core CPU, 1GB RAM). I found that the 5v, 12000mAH battery packs I had been using had trouble providing ample current for 4-cards on a hub, which lead to some instability. As a result, I've ditched the 5v battery packs and I will be using the 12V vehicle power with (3, 1 for each USB hub, and 1 for the rpi itself) dc-dc step-down circuits.

8-cards, 2 hubs, the pi, 3 dc-dc converters and a 12 fused distro all mounted inside of this

http://www.homedepot.com/p/DEWALT-10-Co ... /203367153

I will post a photo when it's done.

Postby mdkFree » Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:51 am

Cant wait for the photos!
I have found (for 2.4GHz), a 4-card setup to be extremely effective, setting card 1 to stay on channel 1, card 2 to stay on channel 6 and card 3 to stay on channel 11, with card 4 hopping through channels 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12 and 13).

If you configure a 3 or 4 card system as mentioned above, prepare for (VERY) large gpsxml and packet files, as kismet will report every AP it hears at every GPS position it hears them at. When I went to this configuration my gpsxml files (per 1 hour timeframe, per a cron job restarting kismet) were 5-10x larger than they had been previously with multiple cards all just hopping.

I'm almost done configuration of an 8-card setup (4 on 2.4GHz, 4 on 5.8GHz) with a Raspberry Pi2 (4-core CPU, 1GB RAM). I found that the 5v, 12000mAH battery packs I had been using had trouble providing ample current for 4-cards on a hub, which lead to some instability. As a result, I've ditched the 5v battery packs and I will be using the 12V vehicle power with (3, 1 for each USB hub, and 1 for the rpi itself) dc-dc step-down circuits.

8-cards, 2 hubs, the pi, 3 dc-dc converters and a 12 fused distro all mounted inside of this

http://www.homedepot.com/p/DEWALT-10-Co ... /203367153

I will post a photo when it's done.

Postby strasharo » Thu Nov 12, 2015 11:13 am

Still waiting for the photos. :roll:

Postby Whig » Tue Aug 16, 2016 4:24 am

Different versions of my raspi:
2013: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1451#p7765
2014: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1451&start=15#p8084
2015: Was just that beta (attachent warpi_beta3.jpg) which I didn't really use:
warpi_beta3.jpg (61.23 KiB) Viewed 79755 times
and now I'm currently using 2016:
wifipi_3.jpg (111.54 KiB) Viewed 79755 times
I first started to make Raspberry Pi wardrive thingy with a external display but then I started to think that there is no reason for a external display which just use power and makes things difficult.
So when I bought Raspberry Pi 3B which has it's own wifi nic I decided to make it work as a access point so I have external nic scanning network with kismet and internal nic running as access point so when ever I want to do something I just connect to that AP with my phone and open the browser:
wifipi_6.jpg (74.41 KiB) Viewed 79753 times
And here I can see what I need to see and do pretty much everything what I want to do =)
- If I click green button it will stop kismet_server, do a tar.bz packages of logs files, move old files to different directory, send that tar.bz to wigle.net (When ETH0 is connected) and then shutdown my raspi.
- If I click yellow button it will just restart my raspi
- If I click red button it will shutdown

There is also links to "Restart Kismet" and "Restart GPSD" because sometimes GPSD can't get fix and it's quicker to restart just that service than whole raspi. I can also restart kismet_server because why not? =)
On that screenshot you can see line about "GPS Fix" line it shows nothing or "2D Fix" and normally "3D Fix" because it's nice to know if you have fix or not because there is not reason to wardrive without good enough location data.

Postby strasharo » Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:23 am

Great setup. Do you have the source for the Web UI available somewhere? :)

Postby Whig » Mon Aug 22, 2016 12:09 pm

Great setup. Do you have the source for the Web UI available somewhere? :)
Not sure is that a good idea to share my web ui source because it's probably really bad code and done against every safety etc. rules :-D

Postby strasharo » Mon Aug 22, 2016 12:22 pm

No worries, it's going to be deployed on devices that are constantly offline anyway. :D

Postby Whig » Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:18 am

No worries, it's going to be deployed on devices that are constantly offline anyway. :D

I don't have my Pi near me now so I just have to tell you what I remember :-D
UI is just a index.php file which runs (and echoes all output to a browser) a check.sh script where I have some log parsing and other command line kungfu and the that script output all that html code and info on that page.

So example in check.sh I have:
something='ls /kismet_logs/*.netxml'

and then later I echo to show it in HTML:
echo "<table><tr><td>$something</td></tr></table>"

Shutdown and so on button were done with PHP and shell_exec and then checked on index.php just using links and $_GET['do']; thingy.
Like this: http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.get.php

Postby strasharo » Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:22 pm

Btw what's the wireless adapter with dual antennas on the last picture? Reminds me a bit of Totolink N300UA but it's a black one?

Postby Whig » Wed Sep 05, 2018 8:36 am

It was Asus USB-N14

Postby PoshMag1C0de » Tue Nov 20, 2018 3:55 am

I just recently used one of my raspberry pi b+ to build a kismet wardriver. Did it when my Android upgrade to Pi broke Wigle.

I did it similarly to the above post with using the built in wifi as an access point to interact with it. I use a Pandas wifi for scanning and a USat usb gps receiver.

Funny thing is the first version of kismet I pulled from git and compiled was 2018 B1. It worked and I was excited but did not collect nearly as much as their older pervious version. So I pulled that instead and works perfectly. I actually just ssh into it and run one of the premade scripts I made to launch the server and stop it.

Postby strasharo » Tue Nov 20, 2018 12:00 pm

There's no need to SSH in to launch the scripts, you can just use @reboot crontab entry to do it. I usually launch them in a detached screen session, so the only thing to do is just to power it up and it instantly starts scanning.

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