I may be the only one looking for this...

Talk about whatever

16 posts • Page 2 of 2
My only real problem with the mapping/app setup, is that it is really hard to get useful info back out. That is the sole reason I have been trying to find some other way to visualize all my data.

Being able to properly filter by encryption would be awesome. As would being able to pull up the info once I zoom in on a point that just seems to get smaller by each zoom level.

Other than those two things, and the possibility to maybe use the app natively on linux (to take advantage of my much better cards), I love everything that is being done.

It's still amazing that back in the day, you could use NetStumbler or Kismet and instantly pull your GPS referenced data into Microsoft Streets and Trips for a permanent, referable map. How is it that everything has advanced to the point in which you can't do that anymore? Unless I am overlooking an important step, because obviously Google Maps is never going to be the easy solution.


PS: my coding skills are woefully sub-par, but if there is anyway I can help out, please let me know.

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