Re: portable home-made war-driving gear
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 9:27 pm
Honestly, I never even thought about it, lol. Half my bag of phones are starting to battery bloat really bad, need something to replace them soon, wanted to do it on the cheap. Buddy gave me the pi, had a battery, figured I'd grab the most common gps dongle and see what happens. Turns out, I may need to think about a clock of some sort. Went for a run with it, got back a couple log outputs that converted and uploaded, but no luck with it finding new APs. Each log seemed to only show 45 found APs, none new, and in a fairly untouched area. So I guess I have a few things to work out:Looking good! You decided you could do without the realtime clock module? Ive been debating whether or not to add it to my new pi 4-based rig.
-I've never gone stumbling in my wife's car, which seems to be a heck of a faraday cage. Even my phones seemed to come back with less than expected for an untouched area. The pi was just laying on the passenger seat.
-The sd card in the pi is about as fast as you can get, so that shouldn't be an issue.
-The pi should have had correct time when I pulled the wired connection to go for the run, how much would not having a clock affect scans?
-The pi4's wifi seems to be pretty flaky, saw a number of failures kismet had to recover from. Is it commonly bad?
-Which overpriced external alfa card do I need to blow money on?
I just want the most dots on maps for the least amount of money