Google Earth + Wigle Script
I prefer EDLIN... But the ofcourse, I'm not a real programmer. People like Uhtu, Bobzilla and Arkasha still say that the only way to go is : "copy con: > program.src"
Just post the lines in that section.
Damn, I can't spot the problem. Can you post your test file online some place where I can download it?
I had to remove some bad characters.
Please send me a link to your JiGLE file so I can change my script to accommodate others with this problem.
Please send me a link to your JiGLE file so I can change my script to accommodate others with this problem.
Ok, I put a new version ot that should not have the problem. Please test it and let me know: ... oogleearth ... oogleearth
Ok now its working without any errors
Thank you for your help
Can it bee that some AP's are deleted during the processing ?
Thank you for your help
Can it bee that some AP's are deleted during the processing ?
I don't think so, though the names may get mangled a little.
But . . . but . . . you guys are accessing a DATABASE. Don't the Wigle folks intend to accept http posts with lat/long data from Earth, using Dynamic Data Layers to show any hotspot in the Earth viewport? Constantly rendering search results as KML to use in Earth is missing the ideal way Earth works -- sending cornerpoints to the database web server, and getting placemarks back in the return XML.
Are they doing this? Are they myopic? Why on EARTH are you kludging?
Are they doing this? Are they myopic? Why on EARTH are you kludging?
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