Wigle Wifi for Android: Suggestions

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

201 posts • Page 5 of 14
The service shuts down, the planet logo disappears from the task bar. What you are seeing is Android keeping the process around in case you use it again, that is managed automatically by the Android OS. I suppose we could for hard kill on exit, but we let the OS do resource management, and there are apps for hard-killing things if you want to do it, as you say.
-bobzilla - WiGLE.net just a little bit
Maps has "Show New Only" and "Show Run & New"... but I wish there was "Show Everything in the phone's database" to keep me from going around in circles!
I like being able to download networks I've viewed. It helps if I change phone or have to redo my database. My suggestion is, can the download include cell networks? It currently only has W-Fi.
An excellent point. Now that the structure exists, we should be able to extend to that.
-bobzilla - WiGLE.net just a little bit
Better triangulation in device would be nice. Now firstly discovered point is presented as "final" location. should update when getting better signals and such.

Is triangulation on the server updated if the same user scans a point multiple times or does it only apply to different users? if the later is the case. some way of updating from single user would be good. (I'm the only one scanning my town.. :p )

And i would like to second the suggestion about openmap exportability of gps-tracks.

Thanx for a nice aplication!
Server-side uses all observations from all observers. Client side is last-one-wins currently, we can probably make that better.
-bobzilla - WiGLE.net just a little bit
1. Some way to download map tiles for off-line use given area and zoom levels.

2. A 'fire and forget' mode that would:
- auto detect when to go scanning by turning on GPS every few minutes or so and turn scanning on when got a fix in max. 30s time or by detecting network /cell not present in the DB
- turn scanning off when detected known wifi (home, school, work) when warXing should end because there's nothing to discover
- auto upload when got internet connection (wifi, 3g or either)
- turn scaning off when the phone is laying quietly on a table for some time(accelerometer / magnetometer anyone?)
- auto adjust scanning period based on speed and number of nets discovered
... just to run it at all times and not to worry about battery, cause with screen turned off wiglewifi is already quite low power
3. Client side "triangulation" would work better just by choosing location with best signal power
4. Make dashboard scale better with resolution eg. on HTC Wildfire S (320x480)
Nice program, stable, many futures.

1. Signal level graph for close search wifi nodes.
2. Some info about cellular signal level or quality - as meter or as graph. For search cellular towers.
3. Option - raw kml or sorted into folders (tag "<Folder>") like this:
- wfi
-- unprotected
-- WEP
-- WPA
- cellular
-- 2G
-- 3G (or --GPRS, --EDGE, --HSPA, ...)
4. "Mask areas" and/or "blacklist" - don't log selected net's or around selected coordinates - for prevent de-anonymizing.
Need BIG list, not small one. :)
5. Selective cell/wifi/cell+wifi scanning mode.
6. Add osm layer to online map on site, make site remember selected layer when refresh/go to direct link.

7. fix some bug with extended symbol set in wifi SSID.
For example, 1c:af:f7:49:9a:66 (uploaded) have long name - like some greek chars at begin (M$ Cyrillic??), opensignalmaps recognize it as "ώώ‚Ȍ-ϊ_Network

Code: Select all

( CF 8E CF 8E C2 82 04 C8 8C 2D CF 8A 5F 4E 65 74 77 6F 72 6B in hex), but in WigleWifi_xxxx.csv and .kml I see: ( 3F 3F 82 04 3F 2D 3F 5F 4E 65 74 77 6F 72 6B )
- "CF 8E" == Greek "omega wih tonos" replaced to old fashioned ascii 3F == "?"
On site I can see it node as "??-?_Network", and I have some dozen similar nodes.

Postby cirdec » Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:59 am

Maps has "Show New Only" and "Show Run & New"... but I wish there was "Show Everything in the phone's database" to keep me from going around in circles!
I am waiting for this too.
It would make wardriving much more efficient. Because now I walk quite randomly in the streets, hopping two things:
  • not to miss one
  • not to go into an already scanned one
It's only when I go back home that I can see on map if I did well or not. So, the "Show everything" option is what I need for the map tab.
Sorry for my bad english, this is not my mother tongue.
Maps has "Show New Only" and "Show Run & New"... but I wish there was "Show Everything in the phone's database" to keep me from going around in circles!
I am waiting for this too.
It would make wardriving much more efficient. Because now I walk quite randomly in the streets, hopping two things:
  • not to miss one
  • not to go into an already scanned one
It's only when I go back home that I can see on map if I did well or not. So, the "Show everything" option is what I need for the map tab.
I found a solution...sort of...I set Options only the "Play sound when new network in DB" as the only audible feedback. When I'm on a busy street and not hearing beeps when I should be, I know I've been there recently. That has helped me move to a different area many times.
I found a solution...sort of...I set Options only the "Play sound when new network in DB" as the only audible feedback. When I'm on a busy street and not hearing beeps when I should be, I know I've been there recently. That has helped me move to a different area many times.
Great suggestion, been doing that too.
How about an option to include the timestamp when dumping csv's, with default being off? I like to retrace some things for work and I would like to say that signal got better after "X" day.
Would be nice to have folders in KLM file as follows:

Code: Select all

/Wifi Networks /OPN /WEP /WPA /GSM
PS. Thanks for great app :)
I installed Ice Cream Sandwich to my device yesterday. Then, Wigle Wifi updated to version 1.52. What is the change log ? Is it only for ICS support ?
Sorry for my bad english, this is not my mother tongue.
Ive noticed with my Samsung Galaxy S2 running Gingerbread that the turning off the scanning doesn't seem to have any affect if Wifi is still turned on. I keep seeing points appearing on the screen and it still beeps if it detects new points. Phone is not rooted.
Have you driven today?

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