Maintenance - Wed. September 27th
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:38 pm
There'll be some maintenance this wednesday evening, probably the last for a while. *crosses fingers*
Wireless Geographic Logging Engine
There is the funny thing about that turbo button. It really works backwards from what most people think.... it was ment to slow down the system to run the old processes usually games that were designed arround the speed of the system clock. So when the faster systems came out, the turbo is able to slow the system down. Some marketing genius came up with the idea to have a board that ran slower normally and used a switch to enable full speed, and then to call that TURBO!Dunno what all ya'll have done, but I like it... these huge files I used to send in that would take 30min++ to process are now taking 5min or less. Finally found the turbo button on the 286 board?