JiGLE Help

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

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Postby Blaze312 » Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:11 pm

I have a few questions concerning JiGLE.

I have always used DiGLE in the past because i have never been able to get JiGLE to work. Recently I sat down and figured out how it worked... Well.. Somewhat.

Here are my questions.

1) Is there a way to cache WAP data locally like in DiGLE? I can't seem to find this. I would like to use JiGLE when I am not online, like i can do with local data and DiGLE.

2. I live in Washtenaw County, MI. When I trying to load the data for my county it takes a long while. 6 Minutes actually (I timed today), compared to 35 Seconds when using DiGLE (and I actually think DiGLE loaded more points). I realize this depends on the server load, but I was just wondering... What is the difference between how JiGLE loads data and how DiGLE does?

3. Who would I talk to about possible ideas about how WiGLE might speed up the loading process. I have some programming experience and would just like to speak with someone who comes up with the ideas on what to implement on the site and in the programs. My ideas my not work, or they may help the load time for everyone by quite a bit. I am not sure as I have no idea the method of how this works now.

Thanks for the help.

I'll keep uploading.


Postby uhtu » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:45 pm

1) it already does this in a directory under your JiGLE install. JiGLE runs fine offline.
2) it does depend on the server load, as well as the specifics of what was being queried. that being said: there are few cases where DiGLE will not be faster than JiGLE.
3) that would be us :-) the code to JiGLE is open source: have fun! you won't get acess to the server infrastructure, however... the gerbils and their wheels are far too dangerous for humans to handle (which is why we have the interns do it)

Postby Blaze312 » Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:33 pm

How do I go about loading the Points in Jigle when I am offline?

The maps appear to load, but I can't load any of the points that I have already downloaded from the site.


Postby Dutch » Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:52 pm

How do I go about loading the Points in Jigle when I am offline?

The maps appear to load, but I can't load any of the points that I have already downloaded from the site.

If you just press cancel, when Jigle asks you to authenticate, it will use the cached data for the lat/lon boundingboxes contained in the mappack you've selected.

Offline Jigle In Five Easy Steps:

1. Start Jigle.
2 Select a mappack for the area you want to see.
3 Jigle pops up an Authentication dialog requesting your Wigle account name and password.
4 Press cancel in this dialogue.
5 View the cached data, if present on disk, on the map.


Postby Blaze312 » Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:39 pm

I have tried that. But when it loads the map it has 0 points on it.

I know this is a map i have authenticated and pulled down the data with before.

I see there are some lat/long.autocache files in a directory in jigle. I just can't seem to get them to load.

Postby Dutch » Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:04 pm

I have tried that. But when it loads the map it has 0 points on it.

I know this is a map i have authenticated and pulled down the data with before.

I see there are some lat/long.autocache files in a directory in jigle. I just can't seem to get them to load.
Delete existing autocache files, and then try again. Might be something wrong with one of the files permissions.

Works here both under Linux and WindowsXP Pro.


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