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Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 1:23 am
by rberger
What does this stand for, 'quality of signal'? If some sites are QOS=1 and others are QOS=4, does that mean the first AP has only been uploaded once whereas the second AP has been uploaded 4 times (and therefore is believed to have better lat/long, channel, SSID, etc data)?



Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 2:35 am
by bobzilla
Yes, it stands for quality of service. It's a value of 0-7. Basically a point starts with 0, it gets up to 4 qos points for being seen on more than one day, it gets up to 4 qos points for being seen by more than one user, and it's capped at 7.

We really should attempt to make some documentation.