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Looking for Explinations!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 7:38 pm
by Blaze312
I've been uploading to wigle for a while now. I took a brief break for a few years, but now with the android app, I'm back at it!

I have a quick question about the web maps.

I noticed recently that there are certain areas that look suspicious. What I am talking about in particular is a radius of access points. It's hard for me to describe this, so I'm just going to link to a couple of places I noticed. ... mapzoom=14 ... mapzoom=13

Any thoughts or explanation for this occurrence?
It seems as though this wouldn't have been data from driving, and I find it hard to believe that someones walking in circles?

Just curious! Thanks in advance.

Re: Looking for Explinations!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:36 pm
by littledave
I always knew that wigles admins were aliens. Crop circles without crops :shock:

Maybe someone sitting on the roof with a amp and directional antenna?

Re: Looking for Explinations!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:47 am
by uhtu
don't run.
we come in peace.

take us to your leaderboard.

in all seriousness, there are lots of strange things in the data, and those aren't the strangest by a long shot.
just guessing, having not looked those sets up: i'd wager they were from consolidated.db postings. they'll
change over time as they are observed by others/via other gear/weather conditions/kitten density/etc.

Re: Looking for Explinations!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 3:00 am
by Blaze312
So I was thinking about this a little as I was sitting here.

On FourSquare I have noticed that on occasion when it doesn't pick up my GPS, it will still load locations in my list to check into. I noticed the distance that application thinks I am from these locations is still displayed, all be it incorrectly
    . However I think what happens here is it gives me a distance from my particular cell tower that i am using.

    Could it be possible that these are points that are getting GPS coords from the cell tower instead of the actual GPS? I could see this possibly producing a circle.

    What happens when a point is discovered and the GPS is temporarily out of service in the Android App?

    It would be awesome if an admin could see if its one user who uploaded those points, or if its happening from multiple different users. As far as I recall a user cant see who uploaded a point... correct?


    Re: Looking for Explinations!

    Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 4:42 pm
    by KH
    I noticed recently that there are certain areas that look suspicious. ... mapzoom=13
    Naming an area 'Brainerd' is quite likely to attract the 'crop'circles of PDAs and other wifi-capable devices.

    Re: Looking for Explinations!

    Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:39 pm
    by kismaniac
    i know this thread is a little old but i have a couple of theories:

    1. someone could be war-flying with a remote controlled device. this is least likely since you would see more paths or swaths rather than a "crop circle"

    2. there is interference with the gps signal due to buildings,foliage and/or war-driving device(iphone, android, etc) is in their pocket which is displacing some of the access points while they walk/ride around

    just my two cents. what do you guys think?

    Re: Looking for Explinations!

    Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:12 pm
    by bobzilla
    Those blobs are kinda weird, they came from some consolidated.db uploads. Blame Apple :)