OK, I got one of these yesterday, so let's give it a review, shall we?
On the left: Radiolabs Model: "2.4mobile-7"
On the right: MobileMark IMAG5-2400 purchased from fab-corp.
Well, the mobile-7's antenna looks impressive. Its cable? Not so much. In fact, the cable on the unit I was supplied with looks thinner than the one advertised on radiolab's web page.
Testing it statically, I found signal strength was no better, and perhaps worse, than the dinky little fab-corp antenna.
Mobile test run results:
Radiolabs: 784 APs seen.
Fab-corp: 950 APs seen.
Conclusions: Let's not mince words. The Radiolabs Model 2.4mobile-7 is an overpriced piece of junk.
However, this purchase is not a complete waste. The antenna detaches from the base with what I believe is a TNC connector, and I found another mag-mount base on e-bay that may have a better cable.
Furthermore, my research on mag-mount bases revealed other bases for other antenna types. I'm wondering if I can kludge together a better omni-directional antenna myself.
Further experiments await!