Export Search Results to Spreadsheet
This isn't so much a suggestion as it is a question. Is it possible to export search results to a spreadsheet or csv file for further review? I am trying to submit data to a company about a flaw in their hardware, and was hoping to give them an exact number of potentially affected devices - and to show severity - but the search appears limited to 100 results at a time, and I have to scroll through each page. Is there any API access or way of exporting results? Thanks,
Hi Dec0y,
Good news and bad news: there IS API access details at http://api.wigle.net - however there isn't a simple CSV export- you'll have to assemble a CSV from the JSON results (including traversing the pages).
Good news and bad news: there IS API access details at http://api.wigle.net - however there isn't a simple CSV export- you'll have to assemble a CSV from the JSON results (including traversing the pages).
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