Data Uploads Failing -- Am I doing something wrong?

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What I usually do is sit a cell phone with emergency service only in the car and let it collect data wherever I happen to go for the day. This was working perfectly until yesterday evening. When I attempted to upload, I got "upload failed" on the Android App. I several times, rebooted the phone, same problem. Having lost the database pointer and not wanting to lose 83 miles of data, I went to the desktop, extracted the csv, and attempted to upload there with no success. (Normally that always works.) Thinking there may be a corruption in the data on the cell, I reinstalled the app, no luck. I then went into the phone and deleted all of the data in the wiglewifi folder (it is backed up in another location on the desktop), and still no luck starting over with a fresh install and a new database.

Is the system having troubles or is there something I should be doing differently?

Screenshot_2017-04-29-10-55-49.jpg (58.42 KiB) Viewed 15789 times
Same here. Did the same steps, but without success.



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