hope this isnt a stupid question..

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So iv had Wigle for afew hours (got it from play store, android), did a bunch of driving around, finding AP's and what not. I can see some of the AP's iv found (in the built-in map), but not all of them. Like its hiding old AP's as i find new ones. Is this normal? I was hoping i could avoid converting data to KML etc etc and just view and filter my ENTIRE collection from within the app.

Any help is apprectiated

PS, you know what to do with that big round butt... wigle wigle wigle :lol:
Hahah, nice username!

It gets impractical to render every single network on mobile devices as the database grows, but there are many ways to visualize your networks without running down your battery:

1. The KML export lets you collect and organize data - both in the client and on the uploads page
2. Your own uploads are always excluded from the daily query quota in the API
3. You can have map overlay "tiles" showing your uploads vended back - these are server-generated images rather than individual points, so they draw far more efficiently at the cost of interactivity. From the sidebar menu, check out Settings -> MAP SETTINGS -> "Show Discovered Networks on Map" [Mine].
4. You can interrogate your local database from the sidebar menu Database

hope this helps!


PS> pull requests for more client features are always welcome on github: https://github.com/wiglenet/wigle-wifi-wardriving

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