AP positions and the runs

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Postby jiklomiki83 » Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:59 am

I am new to Wigle Wifi and to android. I really like both, but have a few questions/issues:
- Is there an instruction manual that might answer my other questions?
- What is a run? I go for a drive and when I get where I am going it says I am on run 379 (or whatever).
- When I query I put in a % as a wildcard thinking I'll get everything, but I only get the 50 closest to my house. Any way to change this behavior?

So, I exported the entire DB to KML and was looking at the map with Google Earth when I discovered that there are a lot of APs shown in locations where I know no none exist. They weren't all grouped together. They are spread out along the route as if I actually drove past each one. Why is that?
{edit} Shows what I know! There seem to actually be APs where I know (knew) there are none. Should be interesting to investigate that


Postby arkasha » Tue Dec 01, 2020 3:45 am

Thanks for your interest!

There's no manual per se, and it's become a rather involved bit of tech. There are numerous videos that show you how to use it if you search WiGLE on Youtube.

The settings page is described here: https://wigle.net/wiwi_settings.html

A "Run" is an execution of the application. Since Android sets limits on how the system can run tasks in the background, this is often a meaningful concept for users - in your case, it's telling you how many new networks you've observed since you launched the application this time.

The queries are bounded/limited on both the client and the website; in both cases, this is because of resource limits; in client's case, those are battery, CPU, and memory. In the server's case, they factors are our budget for bandwidth and processing power. If you just want to see the picture of what's nearby, we recommend turning on the "Show Discovered Networks on Map" option documented in the Settings screen above.

Regarding KML exports; those get pretty large pretty quickly; you'll find Google Earth will rapidly fail to be able to handle more than a single run at a time.

The positions in your exports will be the best-signal-strength you've seen for the AP. If you upload to the server and use the webmaps, API, or use the KML download from the uploads page, you'll see our best estimate for the point's signal-strength-weighted trilaterated centroid (in the first two cases over all observations, in the third, just your observations). If you select an individual network in the list view, you'll see a map with all the observations in your database color coded by absolute signal strength.

Cheers, and happy stumbling!

-ark and the WiGLE team

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