DiGLE International Support b
Using a localized version of WinXP, DiGLE states that no stations received after unpacking the downloaded .gz file from WiGLE.
Going to the WinXP control panel and changing to English (USA) in the International and Language settings controlpanel applet, fixes this.
Unfortunately now all the settings are americanized AM/PM vs 24 hour clock, length measurements in feet and miles vs m and KM's, Month display wrong way around, etc, etc for us people in the old countries.
Any chance of getting this fixed in the next release of DiGLE ?
Just my 0.02€'s worth...
Going to the WinXP control panel and changing to English (USA) in the International and Language settings controlpanel applet, fixes this.
Unfortunately now all the settings are americanized AM/PM vs 24 hour clock, length measurements in feet and miles vs m and KM's, Month display wrong way around, etc, etc for us people in the old countries.
Any chance of getting this fixed in the next release of DiGLE ?
Just my 0.02€'s worth...
Drilling further down, I've found ou that it's the numbers format setting that is causing this behaviour in DiGLE.
US Numbers format specifies a full stop (.) as the decimal character and a comma (,) as the numbersgroup character. I.E. 123,456,78.90
Danish and other european number formats specifies a comma (,) as the decimal character, and the full stop (.) as the numbersgroup character. I.E. 123.456.78,90
Current workaround is to change those two characters in the WinXP controlpanel, but it would be great if the next release of DiGLE would read the settings from the system instead.
Just my 0.02€'s worth...
US Numbers format specifies a full stop (.) as the decimal character and a comma (,) as the numbersgroup character. I.E. 123,456,78.90
Danish and other european number formats specifies a comma (,) as the decimal character, and the full stop (.) as the numbersgroup character. I.E. 123.456.78,90
Current workaround is to change those two characters in the WinXP controlpanel, but it would be great if the next release of DiGLE would read the settings from the system instead.
Just my 0.02€'s worth...
that's a seriously weird one.
can you post the output of the whole process onto this channel (you can select/copy/paste from the digle "console" screen)?
I guess the reason that i'm confused is that there's no point at which we rely on the system to supply us with '.' vs. ',' in the software; everything's explicit. i wonder if delphi's float-parsing code automatically picks up your regional settings? do your filename periods get substituted to commas when you localize?
thanks for using our software, and for presenting me with an interesting challenge.
that's a seriously weird one.
can you post the output of the whole process onto this channel (you can select/copy/paste from the digle "console" screen)?
I guess the reason that i'm confused is that there's no point at which we rely on the system to supply us with '.' vs. ',' in the software; everything's explicit. i wonder if delphi's float-parsing code automatically picks up your regional settings? do your filename periods get substituted to commas when you localize?
thanks for using our software, and for presenting me with an interesting challenge.
actually, while you're at it, would you try loading ns 1, wi-scan and wi-scan+ with DiGLE, too? i suspect that ONLY ns1s will work correctly, but we will see.
No, filename periods dont get substituted in the operating system, it is still still in the format "foo.bar".wow.
that's a seriously weird one.
can you post the output of the whole process onto this channel (you can select/copy/paste from the digle "console" screen)?
I guess the reason that i'm confused is that there's no point at which we rely on the system to supply us with '.' vs. ',' in the software; everything's explicit. i wonder if delphi's float-parsing code automatically picks up your regional settings? do your filename periods get substituted to commas when you localize?
thanks for using our software, and for presenting me with an interesting challenge.
With the setting in the International and Language control panel set to Danish, DiGLE's console info is as follows :
Code: Select all
Version 0.1.0 (Beta 1)
found maps:
Amager-DK (Amager.mappack)
<choose mappack> (empty.mappack)
København-DK (KBH.mappack)
Washtenaw County, MI (TGR26161.mappack)
commencing login query...
Authentication Succeeded for Dutch
making request for:
Lat: 12.49182
Lat: 12.66013
Lon: 55.79055
Lon: 55.62475
retrieving data...
uncompressing gzip...
parsing received data in C:\Documents and Settings\Stumbler User\Skrivebord\JiGLE-0.7.1\data\København-DK.WiGLE...
received 0 stations.
Code: Select all
Version 0.1.0 (Beta 1)
found maps:
Amager-DK (Amager.mappack)
<choose mappack> (empty.mappack)
København-DK (KBH.mappack)
Washtenaw County, MI (TGR26161.mappack)
commencing login query...
Authentication Succeeded for Dutch
making request for:
Lat: 12.49182
Lat: 12.66013
Lon: 55.79055
Lon: 55.62475
retrieving data...
uncompressing gzip...
parsing received data in C:\Documents and Settings\Stumbler User\Skrivebord\JiGLE-0.7.1\data\København-DK.WiGLE...
received 2942 stations.
Of the top of my head I would guess WiGLE uses the system setting for the decimal point, and therefore doesn't recognise the Lat/Lon data in the .WiGLE file as valid because it uses a period as the decimal point.
When you parse the .WiGLE file, do you read the lat/lon data up to the period for the degrees, and after the period for the decimal part of the Lat/lon, or do you read the whole field in as a char, and then use Delphi functions to convert to a float in one go ? Might be there the culprit lays if the second option is the one you use..
.ns1 files loaded in DiGLE with Danish number format loads, the console says it found the correct number of stations, but the map window stalls with a blank screen, and when the map window is maximised, a warning dialogue box with the message " Floating Point division by Zero" and an OK button appears.
With English (USA) or decimal and numbergroups character substituted, it works perfectly.
The only WiScan file I can test with, are WiScan exported files from NS.
When set to standard Danish numbers format, DiGLE exhibits the same behaviour: Can't find any stations in the file.
When set to English (USA) or adapted the Danish numbers format, it works without a hitch.
WiScan+ files I haven't been able to test, but my guess is that the behaviour would be the same.
If you want, I can test with JiGLE as well.. Just say the word.
Just my 0.02€'s worth....
actually, if you could try a recent JiGLE (0.7.x) that would rule. JiGLE should be fine, but the only way to know for sure is to try.
I've set the java locale in testing before, but always coming from an en_US base, so i don't know what hasn't been moved over..
I've set the java locale in testing before, but always coming from an en_US base, so i don't know what hasn't been moved over..
Will do.. Just give me 10 minutes.. Need to install the Java engine from Sun..actually, if you could try a recent JiGLE (0.7.x) that would rule. JiGLE should be fine, but the only way to know for sure is to try.
I've set the java locale in testing before, but always coming from an en_US base, so i don't know what hasn't been moved over..
Just my 0.02€'s worth...
i've also asked dutch to test the fixes i coded earlier today. let it never be said we weren't demanding of our users.
(dutch: see pvt)
(dutch: see pvt)
H.uh ?? When did you ask me that ??i've also asked dutch to test the fixes i coded earlier today. let it never be said we weren't demanding of our users.
(2 Secs later... Ahhh.. in the PM you just sent me... Sorry.. you must wait in line.. JiGLE'ing at the moment )
Just my 0.02€'s worth...
JiGLE 0.7.2 no problems with international setting as Danish.
Beta DiGGLER, no problems with international setting as Danish, neither with downloaded WiGLE data, nor .ns1 or WiScan data.
One bug squashed it looks like...
So what was the culprit ?
Just my 0.02€'s worth...
Beta DiGGLER, no problems with international setting as Danish, neither with downloaded WiGLE data, nor .ns1 or WiScan data.
One bug squashed it looks like...
So what was the culprit ?
Just my 0.02€'s worth...
StrToFloat in delphi relies upon the localized settings in windows. it'll be in the next release! thanks for the catch, and your interest in the project!
Will post one in the guide on making mappacks I'm writing on the Netstumbler forums. Feel free to copy that over to this site. Was made in prep to WWWD4. Trying to generate interest over here, including on the political level.do you have a screenshot with the København mappack for us?
Just my 0.02€'s worth...
Three screendumps of the copenhagen mappack...
Zoomed out maximum:
Medium zoomed in:
Maximum zoomed in:
Just my 0.02€'s worth...
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Just my 0.02€'s worth...
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