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The piranha must read.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:04 am
by Draca
Hey guys just thought everyone might be interested in something. So if you search wiggle net for you'll see a scattered bunch of positive hits across the US. Well Google that exact address when you see the brochure for this device sold to our government and police you might be as offended as me with my constitution iona rights violate fourth ammendment. Anyway thanks

Re: The piranha must read.

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 2:58 am
by cresswing
Hey there,

Thanks for sharing this information. It's definitely eye-opening to see how technology can sometimes encroach on our privacy and rights. It's important for us to stay informed and vigilant about these issues. Your post serves as a reminder for us to be mindful of how our personal data is being used and to advocate for our rights. Appreciate you bringing this to our attention!
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Best regards.