? On how to %wild card can be used in search feature

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

4 posts • Page 1 of 1
Hopefully I'm not making this more confusing than it is. I'm simply wanting to know if there is a way to utilize the wildcard feature for the beginning of a. AP. For instance in the past I've used it wonderfully on AP like iphone% which then will give the results for every thing starting with that word. Is it possible to use it in the beginning? Let's say I know the AP will always end in XZXX for stanple and I know the beginning will be 7 numbess and a - (again just usong this as an example. Again hopefully I didn't make this question harder than it needs tk be. I'd I did I'll gladly try to explain im better detail. Thanks so much ik advance.
It should work - in what context are you trying to use it?
Hey Arkasha! Thanks again for always being cool btw. Ok so now I'm having issues even using lets say; AFC-18-2xx(x) the % wild card would typically be placed in after the 2 or after the second - . For my question at hand though (even though search results no longer work for the aforementioned when they always always did. But the latter example I was eluding to is something like. 33(xxx)- T12(x) in this case I'm trying to use the wild card ^ here. Just a curious cat is all. Thanks again friend!
ok, on what specific page or using what particular tool are you trying this?
The only two wildcard characters are

"%" - "one or more"


"_" - "one and just one"

anything else gets interpreted literally.

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