Howto: Fedora Core 2 + Orinoco + Kismet

The gear needed for wardriving

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What I do:

1) Grab orinoco-0.13e and untar it somewhere (tar zxvf orinoco-0.13e.tar.gz)
2) Grab orinoco-0.13e-dragorn-patch.diff and put it in the same directory you untar'd orinoco-0.13e.tar.gz in.
3) Install kernel-source-<kernel_version>.rpm (I grabbed the latest fedora kernel, so it was rpm -Uvh kernel-source-2.6.5-1.358.i386.rpm)
4) Go into the source tree:
cd /usr/src/linux-<kernel_version>/drivers/net/wireless/
5) Copy the tree files to the orinoco-0.13e directory:
cp airport.c hermes.c hermes.h hermes_rid.h ieee802_11.h orinoco.c orinoco_cs.c orinoco.h orinoco_pci.c orinoco_plx.c orinoco_tmd.c <your_path>/orinoco-0.13e/
6) cd <your_path>/
7) patch -p0 < orinoco-0.13e-dragorn-patch.diff
8) cd orinoco-0.13e/
9) make
10) You may want to copy all the *.ko files in /lib/modules/linux-<kernel_version>/drivers/net/wireless/ to a safe location, so you can recover if something goes wrong
11) Copy the new kernel module files into the modules tree:
cp *.ko /lib/modules/linux-<kernel_version>/drivers/net/wireless/
12) Insert your Orinoco card, it should work as normal.
13) Grab gpsd, make, make install
14) Grab kismet, make, make install
15) Configure kismet in /usr/local/etc/kismet.conf
16) Start up gpsd, then kismet, it should work!
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